There are some important events & schedule changes this week for BFC, so we’re sending this reminder early:
1) This coming Wednesday, 4/17, there will be no Bible Study due to Brian’s absence.
2) Instead, we encourage you to come out on Thursday, 4/18, to hear about the work of Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR). RSWR is a Quaker-run organization that supports women in the developing world through micro-credit lending, in Kenya, Sierra Leone, and India. Samson Ababu, Kenya Field Representative for RSWR, and Betty Tonsing, the organization’s General Secretary, will speak about their work. See attached flyer for details. 7:30 PM on 4/18, in the fellowship hall. If you can help with setup and/or cleanup, please contact Stephanie Strait.
3) On Sunday, 4/21, the Singing Ensemble will gather to rehearse at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for adults & children will meet at 10 AM, including the Quakerism class, in the fellowship hall. Meeting for worship begins at 11 AM, with our regular third-Sunday time of extended open worship and a special musical presentation. Our monthly potluck lunch follows worship, and then Monthly Meeting for Business begins at 1 PM.
Finally, on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 PM, some of us will be walking in the Berkeley CROP Hunger Walk. This annual event, sponsored by Church World Service, benefits efforts to fight hunger in the developing world and right here at home–some of the proceeds will go to our own Berkeley Food Pantry. The 5K walk begins at 1:30 PM at St. Mary Magdalene parish, 2005 Berryman Street in Berkeley. If you would like to support the “Berkeley Quakers” team, you can donate online, or contact Dharma Galang.
May God bless your going out and your coming in, your work and your rest, your learning and your play, until we meet again.