Here are this weekend’s upcoming happenings at Berkeley Friends Church:
1) Tomorrow, Friday, 4/26, our monthly Friday Night at the Movies presents Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai.
This powerful 2008 documentary tells the inspiring story of Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai. Maathai’s simple act of planting trees grew into Kenya’s “Greenbelt Movement,” a globally-recognized mobilization of women to rally against deforestation, poverty, and government corruption, which eventually became a national political force that helped to bring down the 24-year presidency of Daniel Arap Moi.
ADMISSION IS FREE! Refreshments at 6:30 PM, film at 7:00 PM. Discussion to follow.
Also: Some of you may not know that our Friend Stanley Ngesa will be returning to Kenya–possibly indefinitely–this coming Monday, 4/29. Because of a commitment made prior to his receiving the ticket home, he will not be able to be with us for worship on Sunday, but he does plan to be at the movie on Friday. So if you’re free, please come by to say farewell and enjoy the film with us!
2) On Sunday, 4/28, at 10 AM, our regular Sunday School classes for adults & children will convene, including the Quakerism class. Meeting for Worship begins at 11 AM. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Peace, Environment, and Christian Social Concerns Committee meets at 1 PM.
Please join us for fellowship, learning, worship and service!
In Christ’s Light,
Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715
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