Here are this weekend’s events at Berkeley Friends Church:
1) Tomorrow, Friday, 5/24, is our monthly Friday Night at the Movies. This time we present the 2004 drama James’s Journey to Jerusalem. In his remote African village, young James is chosen to undertake a mission: a pilgrimage to holy Jerusalem. But Israel is no longer the Holy Land that James and his people imagined. Arrested for entering the country illegally, James’s journey takes him through the cruel heart of our globalized economy. See attached flyer for more details.
ADMISSION IS FREE! Please invite your neighbors and friends. Refreshments at 6:30 PM, film at 7:00 PM. Discussion follows the screening.
2) On Sunday, 5/26, at 10 AM, our regular Sunday School classes for adults & children will convene, including the Quakerism class. Meeting for Worship begins at 11 AM, including a meditation on Romans 5:1-5. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Peace, Environment, and Christian Social Concerns Committee meets at 1 PM.
Please join us for fellowship, learning, worship and service!
In Christ’s Light,
Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715
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