Here is what’s going on this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church:
1) Tomorrow, Friday, 9/27, is our monthly Movie Night! This month it’s Letters to Father Jacob, a touching film from Finland that explores themes of forgiveness and servanthood. Subtitles in English. See attached flyer for more info.
It’s FREE! Doors open at 6:30 PM, film at 7, discussion following film. Please join us!!
2) On Sunday morning, 9/29, we will gather for Sunday School for children and adults at 10 AM. Then, in meeting for worship at 11 AM, I will share the third in a series reflecting on my recent trip to Palestine with CPT, including some thoughts on the narrative of Abraham, Sarah, and the other patriarchs and matriarchs. We’ll also sing, pray together, and wait expectantly upon the Lord. Fellowship time follows worship.
3) On Sunday afternoon, we will hold a memorial service to remember Claire Englander and to give thanks to God for her life. There will be a reception at 12:30 PM, and the service will begin at 1:30. If you can, please bring food to share for the reception, as we would for our normal third Sunday potluck meal.
We hope to have you join us for learning, fellowship, and worship!
In Christ’s Light,
Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715
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