There’s a lot happening this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church. Here’s the rundown:
1) Tomorrow, Friday, 1/24, Friday Night at the Movies returns, with the 1951 French drama Diary of a Country Priest. Director Robert Bresson’s masterful adaptation of Georges Bernanos’s novel tells the story of a dedicated priest in a rural village whose best efforts only seem to alienate him from the very population he’s supposed to be serving. In French, with English subtitles. See attached flyer for more details.
ADMISSION IS FREE! Refreshments at 6:30 PM, film at 7:00, discussion to follow.
2) On Sunday, 1/26, the Trustees will have a called meeting at 9 AM. Then at 10 AM, we have our regular Sunday School classes for adults & children. Meeting for Worship begins at 11 AM, including a message based on Matthew 4:12-23. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Peace, Environment, and Christian Social Concerns Committee meets at 1 PM.
3) A reminder that the following Sunday, February 2, is our day to participate in the FUM Chain of Prayer! Please see me after worship this Sunday if you would like to participate. For more information and for a guide to FUM’s ministries which you can use to structure your time of prayer, see this link.
God’s blessings and peace to each one of you!
In Christ’s Light,
Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715
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