This Sunday, 3/16, the Singing Ensemble will rehearse at 9 AM. Sunday School classes for children and adults, including the Quakerism class, meet at 10 AM. The Body gathers for worship at 11 AM, with shared song, prayer, and our monthly extended time of waiting upon the Lord in stillness.
Our monthly potluck lunch follows worship; please bring a dish to share if you can, or a few dollars to help with the purchase of supplies. (If you are bringing something to eat, please also bring a list of ingredients so that people know what’s in your dish.) Then at 1 PM, there will be the Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business. Members should please attend, and all others are welcome.
Note that while the Singing Ensemble will rehearse this Sunday, there will not be a presentation until later this month.
Finally, I would appreciate your prayers for the Friends World Committee counsultation in Sacramento this weekend–for all those traveling, and that this would be an opportunity for God to open our hearts to one another in mutual listening and love.
I will be in the office on Monday and Tuesday of this coming week; please be in touch if you need anything.
In Christ’s Light,
Brian Young
Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church
O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715
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