It’s a jam-packed weekend at Berkeley Friends Church!
First off, tomorrow night, Friday 12/4, is the final Friday Night at the Movies for 2015, presenting the 1936 outlaw film “Three Godfathers” (a Western-themed Christmas film). ADMISSION IS FREE! Refreshments at 6:30 PM, film at 7:00, discussion to follow. For full details, see our website’s Movie Night page.
Then on Saturday, 12/5, everyone is invited to worship and fellowship with the Christian Friends Conference at their quarterly gathering. There will be waiting worship and Bible reading in the manner of Conservative Friends, fellowship and discussion with Christian Quakers from around the Bay Area, and an afternoon presentation of part of Lewis Benson’s watershed 1984 seminar here at BFC. 9 AM – 4:00 PM. Beverages and bagels will be provided in the morning; please bring your own lunch. See the attached for the full schedule.
Also on Saturday, that paving project just might get completed, so don’t use the Food Pantry entrance just in case!
Finally, on Sunday, 12/6, the first folks to arrive will be the Trustees, meeting at 9 AM. Then we’ll shift to our regular Sunday School classes for kids & adults, at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will join together in song, prayer, and silence, accompanied by a message from Dorothy Kakimoto reflecting on her recent trip to Cuba and entitled, “Living Letters,” based on part of II Corinthians 2 & 3.
Fellowship time follows worship, and then at 1 PM, the Creative Arts Committee convenes an informal preliminary discussion on our worship music needs. (What are our current needs, and do we need to do something different to meet them? Do we need a replacement or supplemental hymnal? What else might we do?). Join us to discuss the issues and how we might proceed! (Note: in order to accommodate this meeting, the MOCE committee meeting will be rescheduled.)