- Sun 9:00 AM Choir
- Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School
- Sun 11:00 AM Worship
- Sun 12:15 PM Lunch
- Sun 1:00 PM Monthly Meeting for Business
- Tue 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
Please gather with us!
Christ’s blessings!
— The Ministry and Counsel Committee
This Sunday, June 17, we will be having our Monthly Business Meeting preceded by a potluck lunch. A $3.00 contribution is requested if you have not brought a dish. First time guests do not need to pay.
Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns will meet next Sunday, June 24, at 1:00 PM.
A warm welcome to Micah Bales and Faith Kelly! Micah and Faith have accepted our call to become co-pastors of Berkeley Friends Church. Ministry and Counsel is working with them to set their start date, likely in early 2019. As a way of getting to know Micah better, Ministry and Counsel encourages everyone interested to read Micah’s blog at http://www.micahbales.com/ and to sign up for his free e-book, A guide to Quaker Worship. After signing up you will receive a weekly email with a message from Micah.
Berkeley Community Chorus and Orchestra will perform Mendelssohn’s St. Paul Oratorio in Hertz Hall on the Cal campus, Friday-Sunday, June 22-24. Free. Grab a flyer in the lobby, or visit https://bcco.org/ or both.
On Sunday, June 24, the sermon will be given by guest speaker Brian Byamukama, a Ugandan Baptist minister who ran an orphanage and ministered to the LGBT community. Brian is seeking asylum and in need of work and at some point longer-term housing options. As an LGBT activist, he endured physical attacks, threats to his family, and ultimately had to flee the country for safety, leaving behind a wife and two young children. If you wish to help him monetarily, you can donate directly to him or through our office: see Jean.
The American Red Cross will have an Interfaith Community Blood Drive. It will be held in the Congregation Netivot Shalom Social Hall, 1316 University Ave, Berkeley, on Thursday, July 5 from 12:00 noon to 6:00 PM. For more information pick up a flyer in the lobby.
The church’s website https://www.berkeleyfriendschurch.org has much interesting and informative information — notices, schedules of events, streaming of past sermons, and much more. Check it out!