- Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School
- Sun 11:00 AM Worship
- Sun 12:15 PM Fellowship Time
- Sun 1:00 PM Choir
- Tue 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
Please gather with us!
Christ’s blessings!
— The Ministry and Counsel Committee
Don’t forget Sunday July 15, unprogrammed worship and Monthly Business Meeting. Bring a meal for your family and one or two guests. We need a diversity of salads, casseroles, fruit, breads etc.
Choir will meet Sunday, July 15, at 9:00 AM.
Safeway’s Feed the Need campaign is now under way through July 31. This summer the Berkeley Food Pantry is a recipient of donated food from Safeway Community Market at 1850 Solano Ave. and Safeway Community Market at 1550 Shattuck Ave. in Berkeley. As a reminder, customers can remove a tear sheet and donate $1, $5 or $10 at checkout. All donations will be rolled up to a $10 bag. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Berkeley Food Pantry.
Good news! Micah Bales and Faith Kelly have accepted our call to become co-pastors of Berkeley Friends Church. Ministry and Counsel is working with them to set their start date, likely in early 2019. As a way of getting to know Micah better, Ministry and Counsel encourages everyone interested to read Micah’s blog at http://www.micahbales.com/ and to sign up for his free e-book, A Guide to Quaker Worship. After signing up you will receive a weekly email with a message from Micah.
The church’s website https://www.berkeleyfriendschurch.org has much interesting and informative information – notices, schedules of events, streaming of past sermons, and much more. Check it out!