The Berkeley Half Marathon that had been scheduled for this Sunday, November 18, has been cancelled because of concerns about air quality.
- Sun 9:00 AM Choir
- Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs/adults Sanctuary)
- Sun 11:00 AM Worship
- Sun 12:15 PM Potluck Lunch
- Sun 1:00 PM Monthly Meeting for Business
- Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
Please gather with us!
Christ’s blessings!
— The Ministry and Counsel Committee
Monthly Business Meeting and Potluck Luncheon is this Sunday, November 18. Please bring a dish or be prepared to contribute $3.00 for supplies. We need a diversity of salads, casseroles, fruit, breads, etc. Be creative!
Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns will meet next Sun, Nov. 25, at 1:00 PM.
The Berkeley Food Pantry has been chosen to be a recipient of Safeway’s Holiday Feed the Need Campaign, which will run until December 25. Safeway’s campaign will allow them to provide shelf-stable items, such as chicken breast, chicken noodle soup, corn, green beans, cereal, peanut butter, spaghetti, peaches, cheese ravioli, and pasta sauce, to the pantry free of charge. If you would like to help the Berkeley Food Pantry, please visit one of the Safeway Community Markets either at 1850 Solano Ave. or at 1550 Shattuck Ave. and purchase a hunger bag at the check-out stand for a suggested donation of $1, $5, or $10. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to speak to Dharma Galang, Director.
Our incoming pastoral couple Micah Bales and Faith Kelley plan to submit a monthly “Reflection” until their arrival in Berkeley in 2019. Watch for it!
Visit Micah’s blog and communicate via email and/or phone calls. See any member of M&C for contact information.
George Lakey is a longtime Friend and activist.
His newest book is HOW WE WIN: A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning with a release date of November 2018. The Bay area is one of the first stops on his book tour; Strawberry Creek Monthly Meeting will be hosting a book talk on Friday, November 30, at 7:15 PM, at Berkeley Meetinghouse (corner of Walnut and Vine, enter on Vine Street).
Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting regards George Lakey’s book tour as part of his ministry for nonviolence. He will share with us his understanding of how Quakers through the centuries revealed the power of direct action campaigning, and how that relates to today’s national crisis-time.
Contact Shelley Tanenbaum with questions.