Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs)
Sun 11:00 AM Worship
Sun 12:15 PM Lunch
Sun 1:00 PM Peace, Environment & Christian Social Concerns
Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
Be with us in our time of worship as we seek the love it takes to walk in the ways of God’s Son. We strive to love our enemies and bless those who wrong us. We search for joy in treating others with all the same respect and goodness with which we hope to be treated. We want our every word and deed to make known that we are God’s beloved children and vessels of God’s love.
Quaker Heritage Day is Saturday, February 23 from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Our speaker will be Jon Kershner, Ph.D., who will speak on The Prophetic Voice of John Woolman. Suggested donation $25 with lunch; $20 without. All donations are welcome to support our annual Quaker Heritage Day event. Make checks out to BFC and put “QHD” in the memo line. Dr. Kershner’s message during Worship at 11:00am on Sunday, February 24 will be Woolman and Prophetic Non-Attachment.
Film Screening: “1948: Creation & Catastrophe” on Saturday February 23, 2019, 6:00 to 8:30 pm at The Way Christian Center, 1305 University Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702. Through riveting and moving personal recollections of both Israelis and Palestinians, the film reveals the shocking events of the most pivotal year of the ongoing tragedy. It tells the story of the establishment of Israel as seen through the eyes of the people who lived it. After the film screening there will be a question and answer session with Ahlam Muhtaseb and Andy Trimlett, the filmmakers. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by The Way Christian Center, NorCal Sabeel and Jewish Voice for Peace- Bay Area.
Directory Update: If you need to change, add or otherwise edit your church directory entry, please do so on the provided paper copy after worship during the next few weeks, or email Tina at
Worship Sharing on Sunday, March 3- Bring a scripture passage, song, prayer or other Spirit-filled reflection to worship. Instead of listening to one speaker give a message, there will be space for you to share some of how God has been working in your heart.
Trustees will meet next Sun, March 3 at 9:00 AM.
Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education will meet next Sun, March 3 at 1:00 PM
Earlham School of Religion Dinner on Monday, March 11 at 7:00 PM. Brent Walsh, the new director of alumni and student engagement, will be here to speak with alumni, current students, people interested in religious education and training and the generally curious. Vegan soup, bread and salad provided.
The next quarterly gathering of the Christian Friends Conference – Western Region will be held on Sat, March 23, here at BFC. You are
invited to take part in waiting worship and Bible reading in the manner of Conservative Friends, and to share fellowship and an open discussion
with Christian Quakers from around the Bay Area and beyond. 9 AM – 3 PM. Beverages and bagels will be provided in the morning; please bring your own lunch. See the information table in the lobby for a schedule with full details.