Quaker Heritage Day 2019 was held on February 23. Jon R. Kershner wrote and prepared all of the material. Unfortunately, a family health emergency at the last minute prevented Jon from attending. Cherice Bock, who spoke on Quakers and the Eco-Reformation at QHD 2018, reads a message from Jon about this emergency near the beginning of the audio for Session 1 (after Keith Barton’s introduction). Cherice presented all of Jon’s material for Sessions 1 and 2. Keith presented Jon’s material for Session 3.
Session 1: “John Woolman and the Apocalypse of the Heart: Babel and Babylon”
PDF of slideshow for Session 1 (all links will open in their own tab).
Session 2: “Woolman and Wilderness: A Quaker Sacramental Ecology”
PDF of Jon Kershner publications mentioned near the beginning of Session 2.
PDF of slideshow for Session 2.
Session 3: “Living the Dream: How Woolman (Re)Made History in His Sleep”
PDF of slideshow for Session 3.