Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs)
Sun 11:00 AM Worship
Sun 12:15 PM Fellowship Time
Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
We come to church hungry! We are hungry for comfort, hungry for love, hungry for a new way of living, hungry for God’s word. God has given us this place and this time to worship, and we are eager to taste God’s goodness in community, with our brothers and sisters. May we feast on the Bread of Life together.
On Nov. 13, at 7 PM, at St. Paul A.M.E. Church, 2024 Ashby ave, Berkeley, there will be an interfaith gathering of Christian, Jewish, & Muslim congregations to hold a gathering to wash feet. The event is being sponsored by St. Paul A.M.E. Church, All Souls Episcopal Church, and Temple Beth El. Please speak to Dharma Galang for more info.
Next Sun, Nov. 17, will be our Monthly Business Meeting preceded by a potluck lunch. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish and join in.
The Biofreeze Berkeley Half Marathon will be held on Sun, Nov. 17. For street closures and detours, please see the handouts in the lobby or visit the race website.
A Voice of Conscience at the Capitol: 2019 Legislative Review and the Future of FCLCA. Please join us for a presentation by Kevan Insko, co-director of Friends Committee on Legislation of CA and the FCL Education Fund. Hosted by Berkeley Friends Meeting, 2151 Vine St, Berkeley – Sun., Nov. 17, 2019.
Safeway’s Feed the Need campaign has begun and will run until December 25th. Please purchase a $10 bag for the Berkeley Food Pantry at the checkout stand at one of the following Safeway stores in Berkeley: 1550 Shattuck Ave., or 1850 Solano Ave. Thank you!
Berkeley United Methodist Church, a historically Japanese-American Congregation, will be traveling to Washington, D.C. for the “National Pilgrimage to Close the Camps” from June 5-7, 2020. This event will be a historic pilgrimage for people of Japanese ancestry to heal intergenerational wounds by standing in solidarity with immigrants and all people of color being targeted by the current administration’s policies. BUMC will be bringing over 1,000 paper cranes to be included in the 125,000 paper cranes to be placed on the White House fence. The BUMC is seeking our spiritual and moral support and asked for signatures of support. To learn more, please speak to Dharma Galang.
Free Ben Lomond Quaker Center workshops are available through the church’s membership subscription. A complete list for the year and next is on the table in the back and can be found online. The next workshops with availability are a Music and Dance Retreat led by the participants on December 6-8 and Is God Violent? Making a New Beginning with the Bible from December 27 to January 1. If interested in this or any other workshop on the list, please let John Maurer or Faith Kelley know ASAP.
Broken Vessels Quaker Ministries is happy to announce the return of The Deeper Roots program. Deborah Shaw, Deborah Fisch, and Lloyd Lee Wilson will lead a group of committed Friends in a “deep dive” into the history of our Quaker faith, a Quaker perspective on the Bible and how to benefit from it, sampling spiritual practices and disciplines valuable to Friends, and building authentic spiritual community. Four long weekend residencies over 18 months, beginning 9/10-13, 2020, at Ben Lomond Quaker Center in CA. Suitable for seasoned Friends as well as those relatively new to Quakerism. For more details or to request an application, visit Broken Vessels Quaker Ministries.
Fruit of the Vine devotional is available in the lobby. Cost is $5.00.