SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School
SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin
TUE 7:30 PM– Bible Study
Come, rest your spirits in the Lord. This is a place of peace and hope, where all may be fed and healed. Come, place your trust in God who is always near you. Open our hearts, Lord, to hear your word and feel your presence.
Bible Study starts 7:30 PM on Tuesdays via Zoom. Bible Study is currently reading “Jesus and Nonviolence” by Walter Wink. In this book Wink argues that Christian tradition of nonviolence is needed as an alternative to the dominant and death-dealing powers of our consumerist culture and fractured world. You do not have to own or have read the book ahead of time to participate.
Sunday August 1 at 11:00 AM we will join Whittier First Friends for their worship. Lynda Ladwig will be preaching.
Sunday August 8 at 11:00 AM we will hold our next Intergenerational Worship focused this time on God’s faithful, continued presence with us wherever we go. Join us for songs, prayers and discussion along with a brief period of open worship and sermon.
The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative is hosting an online conference, August 13-15, 2021: Integrating Lessons Learned and Leadings that Light the Way. The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is a grassroots network of Friends holding a sense of stewardship for life-long Quaker faith formation through religious education. Click here for more information.
Friends United Meeting’s International Prayer Gathering will meet on Zoom at 9:00 AM Pacific on Friday August 20. Join Quakers from around the world in prayer and sharing each other’s concerns. Join us on Zoom at: Or call 929-205-6099. Meeting ID: 814 0160 1535
Open Worship Sunday will be August 22 (instead of the normal third Sunday of the month). Come enjoy an extended period of waiting worship as we collectively listen for God’s message to us.
Barclay Press and Pendle Hill are collaborating on the Illuminate Summer Speaker Series, 2nd and 4th Mondays, June 14 to August 23, 7:30–9 p.m. ET via Zoom. Join us for a series of evening discussions with authors of the Barclay Press Illuminate Friends Bible study summer curriculum on Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Click here for more information.