Sun 9:00am TrusteesSun 10:00am Sunday School (children downstairs)Sun 11:00am Worship Sun 12:15pm Fellowship TimeSun 1:00pm Missionary Outreach and Christian EducationTues 7:15pm Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee Choir will meet next Sunday, February 10 at 1:00pm The Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project’s next Harvest Day is Saturday, February 9. Bring all of your contributions together tomorrow, February 3 so we can give thanks together, and pray for the hungry folks in our community. The Food Pantry needs bags of beans or rice, spaghetti, peanut butter, cereal canned goods (tuna, chicken, vegetables, fruit, soup, beans, tomatoes). If you are interested in helping on Harvest Day, please contact Berkeley Food Pantry Director Dharma Galang. ******************* SAVE THE DATE Quaker Heritage…