Weekly Stoking the Fire Devotionals

The Stoking the Fire leadership team and planning committee have been writing devotions for use as we approach the retreat weekend. There should be a new one each Tues or Weds. Please take a look and pray along with those preparing for the event!
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Stoking the Fire Reflection: God’s Consuming Fire

Friends United Meeting's 2016 Stoking the Fire conference is coming up! We are posting here a devotional Brian Young originally wrote in preparation for last year's gathering, and will post others in coming weeks. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:28-29, NIV The image of God as a consuming fire may give us pause. What does it mean to be consumed by such fire? Is this the fire of judgment? Is it a fire that would mean our utter destruction? (more…)
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Thoughts from Dallas Willard

Dear Friends: Some of you have already heard of the death this past Wednesday of this past Wednesday of influential Christian author and philosopher Dallas Willard, who left this mortal life at the age of 77, as a result of cancer. Dallas was personally known to many of the long-timers at BFC, through his having led at least one retreat for us in the mid-70s, and then later when he spoke at conferences that various of us attended. Dallas was an important leader in the Renovare Christian formation movement, which he helped to shape along with the movement's founder, Friend Richard Foster. Renovare has an appreciation of Dallas's life, with links to others, here. For those of us, like me, who never had the privilege of meeting him, there are…
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