This Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Fellowship Time Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Worship the Lord who is about to do a new thing. Praise God who establishes God’s reign in the heart of God’s people. God will dwell with God’s people forevermore. A new heaven and a new earth! The old, bruised and angered, fearful and alienated, will pass away. In its place God offers new hope and peace.  The Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project’s next Harvest Day is Saturday, June 8. We want to bring all of the church’s contributions together on Sunday, June 2, so we can give thanks together, and pray for all the hungry folks in our community. So before you head out the…
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This Sunday May 19, 2019

Sun     9:00 AM Choir Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun     1:00PM Monthly Meeting for Business Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Worship the Lord who is about to do a new thing. Praise God who establishes God’s reign in the heart of God’s people. God will dwell with God’s people forevermore. A new heaven and a new earth! The old, bruised and angered, fearful and alienated, will pass away. In its place God offers new hope and peace.  This Sunday we will be having our Monthly Business Meeting preceded by a Potluck Lunch.  A $3.00 contribution is requested if you have not brought a dish.  First time guests do not need to pay. Quaker Christianity 101: …
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This Sunday May 12, 2019

Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun 12:30 PM Quaker Christianity 101 Sun 1:00 PM Choir Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting From every nation, in every language, we cry out: “Salvation belongs to our God, and to the Lamb! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving! Honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen." Nikki Holland, the new director of Friends United Meeting’s Belize Friends Ministries, will be speaking during this Sunday's morning service.  Come and hear about her new role, the church in Belize and Friends work there. Monthly Business Meeting and Potluck Luncheon is next Sun, May 19. Please bring a dish or be prepared to contribute $3.00 for supplies. We…
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This Sunday May 5, 2019

Sun     9:00 AM Trustees Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun     12:30 PM  Quaker Christianity 101 Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Lord, we come before you in joy, clothed in the majesty of your glory. We come to sing your praises. Like the myriad faithful of old, we proclaim the Lamb to be worthy of blessing, honor, and glory. Choir will meet next Sun, May 12 at 1:00 PM Nikki Holland, the new director of Friends United Meeting’s Belize Friends Ministries, will be speaking during the Sunday morning service on May 12.  Come and hear about her new role, the church in Belize and Friends work there. Quaker Christianity 101:  What does it mean for us to be…
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This Sunday April 28, 2019

Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun     12:30 PM  Quaker Christianity 101 Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Trustees will meet next Sun, May 5 at 9:00 AM.  The joy of Easter still sings in our hearts. We open our hearts to all God has for us. Breathe the breath of new life in our spirits! Quaker Christianity 101:  What does it mean for us to be Friends of Jesus?  This spring, Berkeley Friends Church will be exploring the basics of Christianity - the stories of the Bible, the power of the gospel, and the life of community in Jesus.  We hope you’ll join us for the following sessions, on Sundays from 12:30-2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall:…
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This Sunday April 21, 2019

Sun 9:00 AM Choir Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Fellowship Time Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Come into the light of God’s love! Christ is risen! Death has been swallowed up in victory! Know beyond all doubt that God’s love is always with you, surrounding you, leading you, comforting you. Be at peace.  Quaker Christianity 101:  What does it mean for us to be Friends of Jesus?  This spring, Berkeley Friends Church will be exploring the basics of Christianity – the stories of the Bible, the power of the gospel, and the life of community in Jesus.  We hope you’ll join us for the following sessions, on Sundays from 12:30-2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall: 4/28– The Bible and the Word of God  5/5 – The…
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This Sunday April 14, 2019

Sun      9:00 AM Stewardship & Finance Sun      10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun      11:00 AM Worship Sun      12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun      12:30 PM Quaker Christianity 101 Sun      1:00 PM Choir Tues     7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting In celebration, we join the crowds of old, waving branches, giving honor to the Messiah. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Word made flesh. Open your eyes to see the kingdom God is creating in our midst. The Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project’s next Harvest Day is Sat, April 13. If you are interested in helping on Harvest Day, please contact Pantry Director, Dharma Galang. Oakland Symphony Chorus presents their Spring Concert on Sat, April 13 at 8PM.  Tickets $20 can be purchased online. The concert will be held at First Congregational Church of Oakland, 2501…
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This Sunday April 7, 2019

Sun 9:00 AM Trustees Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Lunch Sun 12:30 PM Quaker Christianity 101 Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Feel the wonder and power of God’s creative energy. Feel the awe and joy of God’s love for us. Let us worship God with a full sense of joy and expectation. Let us open our hearts, our spirits, our souls, to God’s lavish love. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Choir will meet next Sun. April 14, 2019 Quaker Christianity 101:  What does it mean for us to be Friends of Jesus?  This spring, Berkeley Friends Church will be exploring the basics of Christianity – the stories of the Bible, the power of the gospel, and the life of community in…
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Message for March 31, 2019

Events, Reflections, Sermons
Listen to the most recent message from Sunday worship, “The Ministry of Reconciliation,” at Berkeley Friends Church. The speakers are Giuseppe Rensi, Samirah Bowie (scripture) and Faith Kelley (message). The passages from scripture are 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 and Luke 15:1-3, 11-32. [audio mp3=""][/audio]  
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This Sunday March 31, 2019

Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Lunch Sun 12:30 PM Quaker Christianity 101 Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting In Jesus Christ, there is a new creation. Everything old has passed away. Everything has become new. Rejoice and be glad! CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Quaker Christianity 101:  What does it mean for us to be Friends of Jesus?  This spring, Berkeley Friends Church will be exploring the basics of Christianity – the stories of the Bible, the power of the gospel, and the life of community in Jesus.  We hope you’ll join us for the following sessions, on Sundays from 12:30-2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall:  3/31– Who is Jesus?, 4/7 – What is the Church?,   4/14 – The Bible and the Word of God, 5/5 – The Gospel Applied   5/12…
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