This Sunday March 24, 2019

Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Lunch Sun     12:30 PM Quaker Christianity 101 Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting A rich feast awaits those who call upon the Lord.  How we have thirsted for hope and peace! How we have longed for joy and love! God offers to us all the bounty of God’s love. The next quarterly gathering of the Christian Friends Conference – Western Region will be held on Sat, March 23, here at BFC. You are invited to take part in waiting worship and Bible reading in the manner  of Conservative Friends, and to share fellowship and an open discussion with Christian Quakers from around the Bay Area and beyond. 9 AM – 3 PM. Beverages and bagels will…
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This Sunday March 17, 2019

Sun 9:00 AM Choir Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Lunch Sun 1:00 PM Monthly Meeting for Business Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting When God is with us, whom shall we fear? The God of salvation will never forsake you. God’s patience knows no limits. Wait for the Lord. Be strong and take heart. On this Sunday, March 17 Monthly Business Meeting will be held preceded by a Potluck Lunch.  A $3.00 contribution is requested if you have not brought a dish.  First time guests do not need to pay. Choir will meet next Sun, March 17 at 9:00 AM Quaker Christianity 101:  What does it mean for us to be Friends of Jesus?  This spring, Berkeley Friends Church will…
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Message for March 10, 2019

Events, Reflections, Sermons
Listen to the most recent message from Sunday worship, “The Word Is Near to You,” at Berkeley Friends Church. The speaker is Micah Bales. The passages from Scripture are Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Romans 10:8-13, and Luke 4:1-13. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
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This Sunday March 3, 2019

Sun 9:00 AM Trustees Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (no children's Sunday School this week) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Lunch Sun 1:00 PM Missionary Outreach and Christian Education Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting In the face of a stranger, in the greeting of a friend, we see our Lord, Jesus Christ. In the love of Christ, we welcome you to worship with us. Worship Sharing  this week- Bring a scripture passage, song, prayer or other Spirit-filled reflection to worship.  Instead of listening to one speaker give a message, there will be space for you to share some of how God has been working in your heart. Directory Update: If you need to change, add or otherwise edit your church directory entry, please do so on the provided paper copy after worship…
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Quaker Heritage Day 2019: “The Prophetic Voice of John Woolman”

Events, Quaker Heritage Day
Quaker Heritage Day 2019 was held on February 23. Jon R. Kershner wrote and prepared all of the material. Unfortunately, a family health emergency at the last minute prevented Jon from attending. Cherice Bock, who spoke on Quakers and the Eco-Reformation at QHD 2018, reads a message from Jon about this emergency near the beginning of the audio for Session 1 (after Keith Barton’s introduction). Cherice presented all of Jon’s material for Sessions  1 and 2. Keith presented Jon’s material for Session 3. Session 1: “John Woolman and the Apocalypse of the Heart: Babel and Babylon” [audio mp3=""][/audio] PDF of slideshow for Session 1 (all links will open in their own tab). Session 2: “Woolman and Wilderness: A Quaker Sacramental Ecology” [audio mp3=""][/audio] PDF of Jon Kershner publications mentioned near the…
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Message for February 24, 2019

Events, Reflections, Sermons
Listen to the most recent message from Sunday worship at Berkeley Friends Church: “Woolman and Prophetic Non-attachment,” by Jon Kershner. The speaker is Cherice Bock. The passages from scripture are Jeremiah 1:4-9, 17-19. [audio mp3=""][/audio] Audio of Quaker Heritage Day 2019: “The Prophetic Voice of John Woolman” (link will open in new tab).
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This Sunday February 24, 2019

Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Lunch Sun 1:00 PM Peace, Environment & Christian Social Concerns Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Be with us in our time of worship as we seek the love it takes to walk in the ways of God's Son. We strive to love our enemies and bless those who wrong us. We search for joy in treating others with all the same respect and goodness with which we hope to be treated. We want our every word and deed to make known that we are God's beloved children and vessels of God's love. Quaker Heritage Day is Saturday, February 23 from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Our speaker will be Jon Kershner, Ph.D., who will speak on The Prophetic Voice of John…
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Christmas Peace message moved from homepage

⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕  ⊕ Christmas Peace(2) This is the season we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ whom we name the Prince of Peace. (Is. 9:6.)  And yet...The world is engulfed in wars without end. Costing trillions. Destroying lives. Destroying the environment. As Christians and Quakers we cannot sing and celebrate the birth of our Savior and not cry out against war. Wars that beget more violence. Wars that profit the few at the expense of the many. Wars that destroy crops, homes, businesses, displace people,  and create untold misery for all of life on the planet. As Christians and Quakers we cannot glorify war. War fuels climate change.(1) War robs the peoples and governments of…
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This Sunday February 17, 2019

Sun     9:00 AM Choir Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Lunch Sun     1:00 PM Monthly Meeting for Business Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Come live in God's love. Come drink of Christ's mercy. Come share the Spirit's strength. Monthly Business Meeting and Potluck Luncheon is today. PLEASE bring a dish or be prepared to contribute $3.00 for supplies.  We need a diversity of salads, casseroles, fruit, breads, etc.  Be creative! Directory Update: If you need to change, add or otherwise edit your church directory entry, please do so on the provided paper copy after worship during the next few weeks, or email Tina at Registration Open for Quaker Heritage Day on Saturday, February 23 from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Our speaker will be Jon…
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Message for February 10, 2019

Events, Reflections, Sermons
Listen to the most recent message from Sunday worship, “Here I Am — Send Me!” at Berkeley Friends Church. The speakers are Dorothy Kakimoto (scripture) and Micah Bales (message). The passages from scripture are Isaiah 6:1-13; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 and Luke 5:1-11. (Text will open in a new tab.) Scripture passages Message
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