This Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sun     10:00am Sunday School (children downstairs) Sun     10:30am Christmas caroling Sun     11:00am Worship Sun     12:15pm Fellowship Time Sun       1:00pm Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns committee meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee Next Sunday, December 30, adults should come at 10:30am for Christmas caroling! Children’s Sunday School will meet as usual at 10:00am but adult classes are suspended and will resume in January. SAVE THE DATE Quaker Heritage Day will be Saturday, February 23 from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Our speaker will be Jon Kershner, Ph.D., who will speak on The Prophetic Voice of John Woolman. Suggested donation $25 with lunch; $20 without. All donations are welcome to support our annual Quaker Heritage Day event. Make checks out to BFC and put “QHD” in…
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This Sunday, December 16, 2018

Sun     9:00 AM Choir Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs/adults Sanctuary) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Lunch Sun     1:00 PM Monthly Business Meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee This Sunday we will be having our Monthly Business Meeting preceded by a potluck lunch. A $3.00 contribution is requested if you have not brought a dish.  First time guests do not need to pay. Our Christmas party is this coming Tuesday, December 18 at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall.  We will have a dessert potluck, crafts, carol singing and a Christmas Bible reading. Adults, come on December 23 and 30 for Christmas caroling! We start at 10:30am! Children’s Sunday School can meet as usual at 10:00am but adult class are suspended for…
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This Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sun     10:00am Sunday School (children downstairs/adults Sanctuary) Sun     11:00am Worship Sun     12:15pm Fellowship Time Sun     1:00pm Choir Bible study will not be meeting until 7:15pm, January 8, 2018 Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee The Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project’s next Harvest Day is tomorrow, Saturday, December 8. If you would like to help at the Harvest Day tomorrow please contact Dharma Galang, Director. Also tomorrow, Saturday, December 8 from 9:00am to 3:30pm, Christian Friends Conference will be meeting at Palo Alto Meeting, 957 Colorado Ave. in Palo Alto. The gathering will focus on Christ centered worship. There will be Bible reading in worship, silent waiting worship, fellowship over lunch and brief planning session. Lunch is brown bag (bring your own). Beverages and bagels will…
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Reminder: Quaker Heritage Day is coming up!

Quaker Heritage Day
Just a friendly reminder that Quaker Heritage Day 2019 is coming up at Berkeley Friends Church!  If you're coming and haven't let us know, please take a moment to register online.  We hope to see you on February 23! Here are the details: The Prophetic Voice of John Woolman with Jon Kershner Dr. Kershner teaches in the Religion Department at Pacific Lutheran University.  Other positions:  Dr. Kershner is a member of NSFC, the editor of Quaker Religious Thought, an Associate Editor of  Theology and Philosophy for the Brill Research Perspectives in Quaker Studies and co-chair of the Quaker Studies Program Unit at the American Academy of Religion. Please join us at Berkeley Friends Church on Saturday, February 23, 2019, to explore these important issues with Jon Kershner. Please RSVP by…
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This Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sun     9:00 AM Trustees Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs/adults Sanctuary) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun     1:00 PM Missionary Outreach and Christian Education Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee George Lakey is a longtime Friend and activist. His newest book is HOW WE WIN: A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning with a release date of November 2018. The Bay area is one of the first stops on his book tour; Strawberry Creek Monthly Meeting will be hosting a book talk tonight, Friday, November 30, at 7:15 PM, at Berkeley Meetinghouse (corner of Walnut and Vine, enter on Vine Street). Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting regards George Lakey’s book tour as…
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Message for November 25, 2018

Events, Reflections, Sermons
Listen to the most recent message from Sunday worship, "English Reformation 1.3," at Berkeley Friends Church. The speaker is Keith Barton. The passage from Scripture is Matthew 25:14-30. [audio mp3=""][/audio]  
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This Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs/adults Sanctuary) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun 1:00 Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee Trustees will meet Sunday, December 2, at 9:00 AM. Missionary Outreach and Christian Education will meet next Sunday, December 2, at 1:00 PM. Micah Bales will be visiting the East Bay Area again in less than two weeks. He arrives Fri. evening, November 30 and departs Friday, December 7. Saturday, December 1, 6 PM. Join us for dinner with Micah at Nong Thon Restaurant in El Cerrito, 10086 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito. This is a spacious, family-friendly restaurant. Young children are welcome! The food…
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This Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Berkeley Half Marathon that had been scheduled for this Sunday, November 18, has been cancelled because of concerns about air quality.  Sun     9:00 AM Choir Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs/adults Sanctuary) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Potluck Lunch Sun     1:00 PM Monthly Meeting for Business Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee Monthly Business Meeting and Potluck Luncheon is this Sunday, November 18. Please bring a dish or be prepared to contribute $3.00 for supplies. We need a diversity of salads, casseroles, fruit, breads, etc. Be creative! Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns will meet next Sun, Nov. 25, at 1:00 PM. The Berkeley Food Pantry has been chosen to be a…
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This Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs/adults Sanctuary) Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun 1:00 PM Choir Tues 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee Monthly Business Meeting and Potluck Luncheon is Sunday, November 18. Please bring a dish or be prepared to contribute $3.00 for supplies. We need a diversity of salads, casseroles, fruit, breads, etc. Be creative! Also on Sunday, November 18, there will be a Berkeley Half Marathon that may make it hard for some people to get to church. There are maps in the lobby showing what streets the race will use and what streets will be closed, or download PDFs of the BHM street closure list and BHM impact…
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This Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sun     9:00 AM Trustees Sun     10:00 AM Sunday School (children downstairs/adults Sanctuary) Sun     11:00 AM Worship Sun     12:15 PM Fellowship Time Sun     1:00 PM Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Tues    7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee We return to Pacific Standard Time at 2 AM this Sunday, November 4. Please remember to set your clocks back an hour. Choir will meet next Sunday, November 4 at 9:00 AM. On Thursday, November 15 at 7 PM come see the movie From Under the Rubble – A Story from Gaza. Movie will be here at Berkeley Friends Church. For more information pick up a flyer in the lobby. The Berkeley Food Pantry has been chosen to be a recipient…
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