This Sunday October 17, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin SUN 1:15 PM- Monthly Meeting for Business TUE 7:30 PM– Book Study Come before God as equals in God’s sight. God knows us thoroughly and loves us completely. None of us is perfect and without blemish. Yet God has called us God’s children and asked us to be compassionate and responsible in our caring and witness. Be called to joyful obedience in God’s realm. Thanks be to God who trusts us and pours God’s abundant love on us. Log into our Zoom meetings Bible Study: We are discussing the book “A Quaker Prayer Life” by David Johnson. Meeting on Zoom, the group will collectively read a small section and then talk about it. No need to read ahead of…
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This Sunday October 10, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin TUE 7:30 PM– Book Study SAT 10:00 AM- BFC Park Get Together Bring your joys and sorrows to the Lord. Come from busy lives, filled with a host of banes and blessings. Give your fears to the Lord, for God will heal your souls. Praise to God who listens to your cries and heals you. Open your ears and your hearts to the Lord. Open your lives to do God’s will. Log into our Zoom meetings Bible Study: We are discussing the book “A Quaker Prayer Life” by David Johnson. Meeting on Zoom, the group will collectively read a small section and then talk about it. No need to read ahead of time or buy the book.…
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This Sunday October 3, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin TUE 7:30 PM- Book Study Mighty and powerful God, through Jesus Christ our Savior you come to save people in all times and places, offering them new life in your presence. Give us open hearts to receive your Chosen One, that through him we may dwell with you as faithful and committed disciples. Amen. Log into our Zoom meetings Bible Study: On October 5, we will begin discussing the book “A Quaker Prayer Life” by David Johnson. Meeting on Zoom, the group will collectively read a small section and then talk about it. No need to read ahead of time or buy the book. If you’d like your own copy it can be bought at Inner Light…
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This Sunday September 26, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin Are any among us suffering? Come and pray. Are any among us cheerful? Come sing songs of praise. Are any among us sick? Come and ask for healing. Our help is in our God, the One who made heaven and earth. Call upon God, creator and rescuer. God is on our side. Log into our Zoom meetings Bible Study: Bible Study will also be canceled on September 28. On October 5, it will pick up again discussing the book “A Quaker Prayer Life” by David Johnson. Meeting on Zoom, the group will collectively read a small section and then talk about it. No need to read ahead of time or buy the book. If you'd like your…
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This Sunday September 19, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin SUN 1:15 PM- Monthly Meeting for Business TUE 7:30 PM– Zoom Showing of “The Race to Save the World” Happy are those who follow the ways of the Lord. God’s ways are just and merciful. Those who follow God’s ways are continually nourished in faith. In all that they do, they prosper. Come, let us open our hearts to God’s compassionate love. Let us celebrate God’s mercy and justice. Log into our Zoom meetings Bible Study: On September 14 and 21 the group will be watching and discussing the film “The Race to Save the World.” This movie tells of the stories of regular person who are devoting their lives to fighting climate chaos. Bible Study will…
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This Sunday September 12, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin TUE 7:30 PM- Zoom Showing of "The Race to Save the World" Receive the healing love of Jesus. Give your lives to his service by serving and caring for others. Be at peace. Log into our Zoom meetings Bible Study: On September 14 and 21 the group will be watching and discussing the film “The Race to Save the World.” This movie tells of the stories of regular person who are devoting their lives to fighting climate chaos. Bible Study will also be canceled on September 28. On October 5, it will pick up again discussing the book “A Quaker Prayer Life” by David Johnson.” We are looking for Kids' Sunday School teachers for our return to in…
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This Sunday September 5, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin Bring your silence and your shouting, as introverts and extroverts. Bring your songs and your stories, your struggles and your sacrifices. Bring your gifts and your personalities, your strengths and weaknesses. God designed and created us; God understands us and is intensely interested in us. Log into our Zoom meetings No Bible Study this week on September 7. On September 14 and 21 the group will be watching and discussing the film "The Race to Save the World." This movie tells of the stories of regular person who are devoting their lives to fighting climate chaos. Bible Study will also be canceled on September 28. On October 5, it will pick up again discussing the book "A Quaker…
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Message for August 29, 2021

Events, Reflections, Sermons
Listen to the most recent message from Sunday worship at Berkeley Friends Church, “Good Fruit.” The speaker is Faith Kelley. The passage from scripture is James 1:17-27. [audio mp3=""][/audio]  
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This Sunday August 29, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin SUN 2:00 PM- Memorial Service for John Maurer TUE 7:30 PM– Bible Study Every generous act of giving is a tribute to God’s love for us. Let us be people of generous and abundant gifts for others. Be ready to listen and slow to react in anger. Prepare us to be peaceful people. Keep our hearts and spirits ready to serve the Lord.  Log into our Zoom meetings Bible Study is 7:30 PM on Tuesdays via Zoom. Bible Study is currently reading  “Jesus and Nonviolence” by Walter Wink. In this book Wink argues that Christian tradition of nonviolence is needed as an alternative to the dominant and death-dealing powers of our consumerist culture and fractured world. You do not…
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This Sunday August 22, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin TUE 7:30 PM– Bible Study How wonderful it is to be in a dwelling place for God! The refreshing springs of God’s love cleans and restore us. There is a place here for everyone. No one is turned away. The least and the lost; the homeless and hopeless are always welcome in God’s house. Praise to God who invites and shelters us all. Praise to God who heals and sends us forth to serve. Log into our Zoom meetings Bible Study is 7:30 PM on Tuesdays via Zoom. Bible Study is currently reading  “Jesus and Nonviolence” by Walter Wink. In this book Wink argues that Christian tradition of nonviolence is needed as an alternative to the dominant and death-dealing powers…
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