This Sunday, June 17, 2018
Sun 9:00 AM Choir Sun 10:00 AM Sunday School Sun 11:00 AM Worship Sun 12:15 PM Lunch Sun 1:00 PM Monthly Meeting for Business Tue 7:15 PM Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Please gather with us! Christ’s blessings! — The Ministry and Counsel Committee This Sunday, June 17, we will be having our Monthly Business Meeting preceded by a potluck lunch. A $3.00 contribution is requested if you have not brought a dish. First time guests do not need to pay. Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns will meet next Sunday, June 24, at 1:00 PM. A warm welcome to Micah Bales and Faith Kelly! Micah and Faith have accepted our call to become co-pastors of Berkeley Friends Church. Ministry and Counsel is working with them to set their start…