This weekend, 7/22-23 @BFC: CCM yard sale, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship & PECSC

Here is what is happening this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church: Tomorrow, Saturday, 7/22, Cedar Creek Montessori School will hold a Rummage Sale in the parking lot--come by and see what they have! All proceeds support the school; 8:30 AM to 1 PM. And then on Sunday, 7/23, we start with the Singing Ensemble, rehearsing at 9 AM. Then Sunday School classes for children and adults are at 10 AM. In Worship at 11 AM, we will gather in quiet, sing God's praises, hear a message on Abraham's faith and trust, "credited as righteousness" (Genesis 15:1-6), and listen for God's voice together. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Committee will meet at 1 PM. Hope to have you with us as we pray…
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This Sunday, 7/9, @BFC: Sunday School, Worship Sharing, Singing Ensemble

It's a special Sunday at Berkeley Friends Church, with schedule as follows: Sunday School for children and adults, convening at 10 AM; Worship for all at 11 AM, with song, prayer, and corporate quiet, and, instead of a prepared message-- Rather than having one single speaker, we are inviting everyone to share a well-loved Bible verse, saying, poem or song during worship. Tell us what it means to you, or why it struck you when you discovered it, or anything else you'd like to say about it. This will help us to get to know each other a little bit better, and help deepen our time together with God; additionally, it may give us some sense of what the Apostle Paul was talking about when he wrote, "When you assemble,…
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This Sunday, 7/2, @BFC: Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, MOCE

It's another first Sunday at Berkeley Friends Church, and the schedule is as follows: The Trustees gather at 9 AM, caring for the meetinghouse and grounds; Sunday School for children and adults meets at 10 AM, learning of the Lord and sharing together; We all gather for Worship at 11 AM, uniting in prayer, song, silence, and hearing a prepared message; A time of fellowship follows, and then The Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee meets at 1 PM. Hope to see you there!
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This Sunday, 6/25, @BFC: Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

Here's what's happening this coming Sunday, 6/25, at Berkeley Friends Church: We begin with the Singing Ensemble (postponed from last Sunday), rehearsing at 9 AM. Then Sunday School classes for children and adults meet at 10 AM. Meeting for Worship follows at 11 AM, with corporate song, prayer, waiting worship, special music from the Singing Ensemble, and a prepared message. Fellowship time (AKA Quaker communion) follows, and then the Peace, Environment & Christian Social Concerns Committee will meet at 1 PM. Hope to see you there!
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This Sunday, 6/18, @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Monthly Meeting

This Sunday, 6/18, the order of events is as follows: Our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults convene at 10 AM; We meet for Worship at 11 AM, with singing, supplication, and our monthly extended time of open worship; A potluck meal follows; regulars are asked to bring a dish to share, or a few dollars to cover the cost of supplies; Then our Monthly Meeting for Business convenes at 1 PM. Please note that, due to absences, the Singing Ensemble rehearsal and presentation has been rescheduled for next Sunday, 6/25, rehearsal at 9 AM, presentation during worship at 11. Please join us as we wait on God together!
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This weekend, 6/10-11, @BFC: Harvest Day, Stewardship & Finance, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Here is the schedule for this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church: This Saturday, 6/10, we host the bimonthly Harvest Day for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, from 9:30 AM to noon. If you haven't brought in your green bag yet, you can do so anytime between 10 and noon. And if you'd like to help with the harvest, please contact Pantry Director Sara Webber. Then on Sunday, 6/10, we'll begin with the Stewardship & Finance Committee, meeting at 9 AM. The regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids follow at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will lift our voices in prayer and song, still ourselves in quiet, and hear a message based on Matthew 14. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Singing Ensemble…
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Sunday, 6/4, @BFC: GREEN BAGS, Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, MOCE

This Sunday, 6/4, it's once again BFC's collection day for our contributions to the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, so please bring your green bags with you to bring into worship! Our Sunday schedule begins with the Trustees, gathering to consider the care of our building and grounds at 9 AM. Then Sunday School for children and adults convenes at 10 AM. We gather for Worship at 11 AM, with song, prayer, silence, and a message from Giuseppe Rensi focused on John 1, entitled, "And the Word was (in human) flesh." Fellowship time follows worship, and then at 1 PM, the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee will return to their first Sunday meeting schedule--but without pizza! Please gather with us!
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This Sunday, 5/28, @BFC: Singing Ensemble, SS, Worship, PECSC

This Sunday, 5/28, is a more-or-less usual fourth Sunday at Berkeley Friends Church: We'll start with the Singing Ensemble, rehearsing at 9 AM; Sunday School for adults and children is at 10 AM; Worship meets at 11 AM, with group song, prayer, waiting stillness, music from the Singing Ensemble, and a message from the first part of Hebrews 12; Fellowship time follows worship; And the Peace, Environment, and Christian Social Concerns Committee meets at 1 PM. Please join us!
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Sunday, 5/14, @BFC: Stewardship & Finance, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

It's another full Sunday at Berkeley Friends Church. Here's what's happening: The Stewardship & Finance Committee kicks things off, meeting at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids follow at 10 AM, along with an ad hoc meeting of the Food Pantry Oversight Committee. Then we gather for Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, with song, prayer, corporate waiting on the Lord, and a message on I Peter 2:2-10. Fellowship time follows worship... ...and then the Singing Ensemble rehearses at 1 PM. Also: Note that the potluck fellowship meeting scheduled for Saturday, 5/20 at the Sims residence has been postponed until we can find a time that will work for more folks. Please stay tuned for a new date and time!
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