Sunday, 4/30, @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, Fellowship, CROP Walk & Sanctuary Church seminar
It's a minimalist fifth-Sunday schedule at Berkeley Friends Church, but note the special events afterwards: The Nominating Committee will meet at 9 AM; Sunday School for children and adults will be at 10 AM; Worship is at 11 AM, with song, prayer, stillness, and a message on Colossians 2:1-7; Fellowship Time follows worship, for as long as Friends would like to stay, but some folks will be leaving promptly for: The 2017 Berkeley CROP Hunger Walk, at St. Mary Magdalen, 2005 Berryman, Berkeley; registration at 1 PM, walk starts at 1:30 PM. The Berkeley Quakers team is very close to their fundraising goal: $3,630 of $4,000 as of this afternoon! And you can still donate! Or, if you’re not walking, there will be a presentation on “What It Means to…