Sunday, 4/30, @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, Fellowship, CROP Walk & Sanctuary Church seminar

It's a minimalist fifth-Sunday schedule at Berkeley Friends Church, but note the special events afterwards: The Nominating Committee will meet at 9 AM; Sunday School for children and adults will be at 10 AM; Worship is at 11 AM, with song, prayer, stillness, and a message on Colossians 2:1-7; Fellowship Time follows worship, for as long as Friends would like to stay, but some folks will be leaving promptly for: The 2017 Berkeley CROP Hunger Walk, at St. Mary Magdalen, 2005 Berryman, Berkeley; registration at 1 PM, walk starts at 1:30 PM. The Berkeley Quakers team is very close to their fundraising goal: $3,630 of $4,000 as of this afternoon! And you can still donate! Or, if you’re not walking, there will be a presentation on “What It Means to…
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This weekend, 4/22-23, @BFC: PECSC, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Monthly Meeting

This weekend some events have shifted around on the calendar a bit due to the time called Easter: First, this Saturday, 4/22, the Peace, Environment & Christian Social Concerns Committee will meet from 10:00-11:15 AM. All committee members, please attend if you are able--there are some important items on the agenda. Then on Sunday, 4/23, we begin with Sunday School classes for children and adults, meeting at 10 AM. Meeting for Worship follows at 11 AM, with corporate song, prayer, waiting worship, and a prepared message (or maybe just a mess!). A potluck lunch follows, and then our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business will convene at 1 PM. All members are expected to attend, and attenders and visitors are welcome as well. Please gather with us in the…
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Resurrection Sunday, 4/16, @BFC and elsewhere

it's one of the most important weekends of the year for many Christians! Resurrection Sunday begins bright and early at the cross at Albany Hill Park, with the Sunrise Service at 7 AM! This ecumenical community gathering is once again sponsored by the Lions Club and led by Solano Community Church. Meet at the cross at the top of the hill; Albany Hill Park is accessible from the Buchanan Street exit on I-80 or from San Pablo Ave at Marin Ave. See attached image for a map. Note: sturdy walking shoes are a good idea, as the walk to the cross is a bit steep and may be muddy! Then, folks will be at BFC beginning around 8:30 AM for coffee, bagels and fellowship. The Singing Ensemble will rehearse at…
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This weekend, 4/8-9, @BFC: BNFP & egg dyeing, Jonathan Vogel Borne, Stewardship & Finance, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

There's a lot going on this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church-- First off, on Saturday, 4/8, we host the bimonthly Harvest Day for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, from 9:30 AM to noon. If you haven't brought in your green bag yet, you can do so anytime between 10 and noon. And if you'd like to help with the harvest, please contact Pantry Director Sara Webber. Then mid-day on Saturday, BFC kids and parents will be dyeing Easter eggs for the Food Pantry, in the kitchen from 11 AM to 1 PM. If you'd like to know more, contact Dharma Galang. Then on Sunday, 4/9, we'll begin with the Stewardship & Finance Committee, meeting at 9 AM. The regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids follow at 10 AM,…
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Sunday, 4/2 @BFC: Green Bags & Called Meeting; Trustees, Sunday School & Worship

This Sunday, 4/2, don't forget that it's BFC's collection day for our contributions to the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, so please bring your green bags with you to bring into worship! Then the Sunday schedule begins with the Trustees gathering to consider the care of our building and grounds at 9 AM. Then Sunday School for children and adults convenes at 10 AM. We gather for Worship at 11 AM, in song, prayer, silence, and a meditation focused on Ezekiel 37:1-14 entitled, "The Temptation of Dryness." Fellowship time follows worship. At 1 PM, there will be a special called Meeting for Business to review the seismic engineering reports on the meetinghouse received from SDC Structural Engineering, and consider next steps. We welcome the participation of BFC attenders as well as…
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Sat & Sun, 3/18-19 @BFC: Pantry work day, CFC, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Monthly Meeting

Tomorrow, Saturday, 3/18, there are a couple of things going on here at Berkeley Friends Church: First, in the morning, there will be a work day for the Berkeley Food Pantry from 9:00 AM to noon. Please bring a light snack and wear comfortable clothes that can get dirty. The crew will meet downstairs in the pantry space. For further information, please contact Dharma Galang. Also beginning at 9 AM, we will host the quarterly gathering of the Christian Friends Conference--Western Region. CFC is a group of Christian Quakers from around the Bay Area who meet for Bible reading, waiting worship in the traditional manner of Friends, and fellowship. The gathering goes through lunch (please bring your own) and concludes around 3 PM. For full schedule, see the attached flyer.…
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Sunday, 3/12, @BFC: SPRING FORWARD, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Spring is here, and that means this weekend is the return of Daylight Saving Time! Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. Otherwise, you'll miss some of what's going on this Sunday, 3/12 at BFC: Things start with Sunday School for adults and children at 10 AM; for the adults, the regular class meets in the worship room and the Quakerism/membership group convenes in the fellowship hall. Then we gather for Worship at 11 AM, meeting together to seek the Lord's presence as we sing, pray, wait in silence, and hear a message entitled, "The Temptation to Stay," based on Matthew 17:1-9. Following worship we have a time of fellowship, with extra coffee for those who really miss that hour…
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Sunday, 3/5, @BFC: Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, Fellowship!

This Sunday, 3/5, the Trustees are the first ones to arrive, gathering for their monthly meeting at 9 AM. Then Sunday School for children and adults convenes at 10 AM, including the second session of the new membership/intro to Quakerism class, in the fellowship hall (it's not too late to join the group!). We gather for Worship at 11 AM, with singing, praying, and entering into stillness together, blessed by a message from Dorothy Kakimoto based on II Peter 1.Fellowship time follows worship. And don't forget that the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee is meeting midweek--Thursday, 3/9, at 7 PM, beginning with a pizza dinner... Hope to have you with us!
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Media from Quaker Heritage Day Weekend, 2017

Quaker Heritage Day, Reflections
Quaker Heritage Day 2017 was quite a success! Thanks to everyone who participated, and especially to those who coordinated the program, food, and book table. We are posting several items for those who couldn't be there, or for those who were but would like to reflect more on Marcelle Martin's ministry. First, a video of Marcelle telling the story of the Woodhouse, from the afternoon session: ; Full-length video of all three sessions will be coming soon! Second, the handouts from the day (all three together in one file). Third, the audio of Marcelle's Sunday message for worship, "A Community of Faithfulness," based on the story of David & Goliath from I Sam 17: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Watch this space for more!
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This weekend, 2/17-19, @BFC: WARSF, QHD, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Meeting for Business

It's one of the biggest weekends of the year at Berkeley Friends Church! Here's what's happening: First, we are hosting the annual meetings of the Western Association of the Religious Society of Friends (WARSF). WARSF is the larger association of Friends that we are part of. All are welcome to attend the Board of Oversight meeting, tomorrow evening, Friday 2/17, at 6:30 PM (for dinner, meeting to follow at 7:15), and the general Meeting of Members, following Quaker Heritage Day on Saturday 2/18 at 3:45 PM. Then on Saturday, 2/18, we have Quaker Heritage Day 2017! Speaker is Marcelle Martin, on her book Our Life is Love, about the ten stages of the Quaker spiritual journey. Please join us! See this page for full details. Finally, on Sunday, 2/19, join…
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