This weekend, 2/11 & 12, @BFC: Harvest Day, S&F, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Tomorrow, Saturday, 2/11 is the bimonthly Harvest Day for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, from 9:30 AM to noon. If you haven't brought in your green bag yet, you can do so anytime between 10 and noon. And if you'd like to help with the harvest, please contact Pantry Director Sara Webber. Then on Sunday, 2/12, we'll begin with the Stewardship & Finance Committee, meeting at 9 AM. The regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids follow at 10 AM. Then we gather for Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, with song and prayer and our monthly time of extended corporate quiet (second rather than third Sunday this month). Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Singing Ensemble rehearses at 1 PM. We hope to have you with us…
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Reminder: Quaker Heritage Day 2017 is coming up!

Quaker Heritage Day
Just a Friendly reminder that Quaker Heritage Day 2017 is coming up at Berkeley Friends Church! If you're coming and haven't let us know, please take a moment to register online. We hope to see you on the 18th! Here are the details: Our Life is Love with Marcelle Martin The Spirit-filled movement of early Quakerism demonstrates how a community collectively surrendering to the inward Light of Christ can actively participate in the divine transformation of human society, making divine Love and Truth more tangible and visible... ten elements of the spiritual journey experienced by the first Quakers and by Friends in our time... [can be] grouped into three sections: Awakening, Convincement, and Faithfulness. Please join us at Berkeley Friends Church on Saturday, February 18, 2017, to explore these dimensions…
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This weekend, 2/4 & 5, @BFC: FCNL event, Green bags, Trustees, Sunday School, Worship!

This Saturday, 2/4, please join us for The World We Seek: We Can Live It, a reception with Diane Randall, Executive Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Diane will give updates on FCNL's current priorities in Washington, vision for the future, and their new capital campaign. 4 to 6 PM; refreshments provided. Then on Sunday, 2/5, the Trustees gather to consider the care of our building and grounds at 9 AM. Then Sunday School for children and adults convenes at 10 AM. We gather for Worship at 11 AM, in song, prayer, silence, and a focused meditation on the story of Joseph and his brothers from Charles Blue.Fellowship time follows worship. And don't forget that the Missionary, Outhreach and Christian Education Committee is meeting midweek--Thursday, 2/9, at 7…
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This Sunday, 1/29 @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, Fellowship!

This Sunday it's a minimalist schedule, as follows: Sunday School for children and adults at 10 AM; Worship at 11 AM, with song, prayer, stillness, and a message on another aspect of Jesus' Love Commandments; Fellowship Time following worship, for as long as Friends would like to stay. And a reminder about the FCNL Capital Campaign event coming up a week from Saturday, 2/4, at 4 PM--see the attached PDF for more. Hope to have you with us! FCNLWorldWeSeek04Feb2017.pdf
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Sunday, 1/15, @BFC: Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Monthly Meeting

This Sunday, 1/15, the Singing Ensemble begins bright and early, at 9 AM. Then we have our Sunday School classes for all ages at 10 AM; remember that the adults have just begin a new study, Marcelle Martin's book Our Life Is Love, in preparation for Quaker Heritage Day next month. Worship follows at 11 AM, with joyful song, a special offering from the Singing Ensemble, and our monthly extended time of waiting together in the Presence of the Lord. A potluck lunch follows, and then our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business will convene at 1 PM. Members, please be there--among other things, final approval of the 2017 budget and nominating slate will be on the agenda. Please join us as we together seek God!
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Sunday, 1/8 @BFC: Stewardship & Finance, Sunday School, Worship, Fellowship & Singing Ensemble

This Sunday, 1/8, things begin with the Stewardship & Finance Committee, meeting at 9 AM. Then the regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids follow at 10 AM--note that the adults are beginning a new book by the speaker for our upcoming Quaker Heritage Day, Marcelle Martin! Please join us! Then we'll gather for Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, raising our voices in song and prayer, stilling them in an extended time of corporate quiet, and hearing a message from Matthew 3. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Singing Ensemble rehearses at 1 PM. Hope to see you as we gather in holy expectancy!
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Christmas Sunday 2016 @BFC: Sunday School, Caroling, Worship and Fellowship

This Sunday will be the day called Christmas, which means joyful celebration at BFC and many other places, and a modified schedule from the usual: The children's Sunday School class will meet at 10 AM; note that the adult class will not meet formally, although Friends may choose to talk and pray together. Then everyone will gather at 10:30 AM for carol singing in the worship room. Stephanie Strait will be there to provide accompaniment, since she has the day off work! In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will consider the rendition of the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20, with all of the glory and mystery that it reveals. Then, fellowship time follows worship, until 1 PM or whenever Friends are ready to part. Note that the Peace,…
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Tonight and Sunday @BFC: CHRISTMAS PARTY, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School/Caroling, Worship, Monthly Meeting

Don't forget that tonight, Saturday, 12/17, is our annual Christmas celebration, starting at 6:30 PM with a dessert potluck, fellowship, and crafts for the kids, and then the program (caroling, candles, readings) at about 7:15 or so. Hope everyone can make it! Then on Sunday, 12/18 the schedule is: Singing Ensemble rehearsal at 9 AM. Sunday School for children at 10 AM; Note: the adult class will not meet formally, because there's... More Caroling at 10:30 AM in the worship room; Worship at 11 AM, with our monthly time of extended open worship, shared prayer and song, and ministry in music from the SInging Ensemble; Potluck lunch following worship (please, nobody bring dessert!); Monthly Meeting for Business at 1 PM; all members are expected to participate, and attenders are welcome…
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In Bethlehem a Babe Was Born…

Angels! A Shepherd and a Wise One! Mary and the Baby! This past Sunday the children's class taught us a new song they have been learning, In Bethlehem a Babe Was Born (written by a Quaker, Barbara Bennett Mays!) They entered the worship room in costume, gleefully proceeding to gather around the mother and child at the front. Accompanied by guitar, flute, and a chorus of supportive adults, it was a moment to remember. The kids are already looking forward to next year! [caption id="attachment_1406" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Smiles during rehearsal[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1407" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Are you all ready to sing?[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1405" align="aligncenter" width="500"] The singers and Mary and the baby prepare for their grand entrance.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1404" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Singing the song with gusto...[/caption] Many thanks to the kids…
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This weekend, 12/10-11, @BFC: Harvest Day, S&F, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Tomorrow, Saturday, 12/10 is the bimonthly Harvest Day for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, from 9:30 AM to noon. If you haven't brought in your green bag yet, you can do so anytime between 10 and noon. And if you'd like to help with the harvest, please contact Pantry Director Sara Webber. Then on Sunday, 12/11, we'll begin with the Stewardship & Finance Committee, meeting at 9 AM. Then the regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids follow at 10 AM. Then we gather for Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, with a special new Christmas song taught by the kids' group, prayer, corporate quiet, and a message from James 5. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Singing Ensemble rehearses at 1 PM.
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