This Sunday, 9/25, @BFC: Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

This Sunday, 9/25, there will be another Singing Ensemble rehearsal to start things off, at 9 AM. Then the Sunday School classes for children and adults continue, at 10 AM. Then we gather for Worship at 11 AM, with singing, group prayer, waiting worship, and a prepared message from Mark 10:46-52. Fellowship time follows worship, and at 1 PM, the Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Committee will have their monthly meeting. Hope to have you with us!
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Sunday, 9/18, @BFC: Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Meeting for Business

This Sunday, 9/18, the Singing Ensemble rehearses bright and early, at 9 AM. Then we have our Sunday School classes, at 10 AM; note that the adults will meet upstairs in the fellowship hall, and the children's class will gather in the worship room to practice some songs for worship. Worship follows at 11 AM, with two new songs led by the children, prayer, and our monthly extended time of open worship, as we wait on God's living Presence together. A potluck lunch follows, and then our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business will convene at 1 PM. Hope to have you with us!
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Sunday, 9/4 @BFC: Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, BBQ!

This Sunday, 9/4, the Trustees start things off, meeting with a concern for our building and grounds at 9 AM. Then our Sunday School classes for children and adults convene at 10 AM. We gather for Worship at 11 AM, with song, silence, and communal prayer and--rather than having one single speaker--we are again inviting everyone to share a well-loved Bible verse, saying, poem, or song. Tell us what it means to you, or why it struck you when you discovered it, or anything else significant to you. Again, this is so that we may build one another up, as with the Apostle Paul's words to the Corinthians concerning worship: When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation.…
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Sat. 8/27 & Sun, 8/28 @BFC and elsewhere: Truth & Reconciliation, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

This Saturday, 8/27, don't forget about the workshop and dinner, "Truth and Reconciliation: From Rwanda to the US" at First Congregational Church of Berkeley, 2345 Channing Way. Father Didace Kamana, Catholic priest, justice worker, scholar and survivor of the Rwandan genocide will present a workshop from 2-5 PM, followed by dinner from 5-7 PM. Other events will follow on Sunday, 8/28, and on Wednesday, 9/7. For full details and to register online, go to Then on Sunday, 8/28 at BFC, we gather beginning at 9 AM, with a Singing Ensemble rehearsal. Then we have Sunday School classes for children and adults, meeting at 10 AM. Worship follows at 11 AM, with singing, praying, and waiting together on the Lord, accompanied by a prepared message. Fellowship time follows, and then…
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2016 Vacation Bible School Retrospective

Here are some pictures from our Vacation Bible School program of earlier this month. And if you'd like to hear some of the things I learned in the course of doing this program, you can also listen to my message from 8/14. I earnestly hope that the kids learned something too! On day 1, we took a walk around the neighborhood, looking for solar panels. The kids found all of the five houses on our route, and also found some solar panels I hadn't noticed (like the small ones on garden lights). [gallery type="slideshow" link="file" size="large" ids="1229,1230,1231,1228"] On day 2, we spent some time outside decorating the sidewalks with encouraging messages for passers-by. The kids really got into this, and had no trouble thinking of things that might minister to…
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This Sunday, 8/21, @BFC: Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Meeting for Business

This Sunday, 8/21, we gather beginning at 9 AM, when the Singing Ensemble will rehearse. Then we have Sunday School classes for children and adults, meeting at 10 AM. Worship follows at 11 AM, with corporate song, prayer, and our monthly extended time of open worship, as the Living Word instructs and prompts us to ministry as He wills. A potluck lunch follows, and then our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business will convene at 1 PM. Please join us!
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This weekend, 8/13-14, @BFC: Harvest Day, Stewardship & Finance, Sunday School, Worship & Fellowship

It's been a great week at BFC, with our Vacation Bible School program having just concluded today. It was a blessing to be with this wonderful bunch of young people for four mornings! There are pictures on the church's Facebook page if you're connected with us there, and we'll get more on to the website as soon as we can. Tomorrow, Saturday, 8/13, is the bi-monthly "Harvest Day" collection for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project. If you'd like to help, please check in with Food Pantry Director Sara Webber. If you didn't bring in your green bag last Sunday, you can drop yours off any time between 10 AM and noon. Then on Sunday, 8/14, we begin with the Stewardship & Finance Committee, meeting at 9 AM. Our regular Sunday…
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Sunday, 8/7 @BFC: Green bags, Trustees, SS, Worship, BBQ!

This Sunday, 8/7, don't forget to bring your green bag for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project with you, and bring it on in to worship so we can give thanks together! And then as to the schedule, the Trustees are up first, at 9 AM. Then our Sunday School classes for children and adults converge at 10 AM. We gather for Worship at 11 AM, with song, silence, and communal prayer and--rather than having one single speaker--we are again inviting everyone to share a well-loved Bible verse, saying, poem, or song. Tell us what it means to you, or why it struck you when you discovered it, or anything else significant to you. Again, this is so that we may build one another up, as with the Apostle Paul's words…
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Sunday, 7/31 @BFC: Sunday School, Worship & Fellowship

Coming up this Sunday, 7/31 is one of those rare Sundays where we have no committee meetings before or afterward... just Sunday School classes for adults & kids at 10 AM; Meeting for Worship at 11, allowing us to sing our praises, pray our joys and concerns, hear a message based on part of Ecclesiastes 5, and wait in quiet on the Living Word; and fellowship time follows worship, for as long as Friends would like to stay. Also, a look ahead to the following Sunday, 8/7: we will again have a time of worship sharing, so be thinking about what Scripture passage, song, poem or saying you might bring to share and build up the body of Christ! There will also be a barbecue during fellowship time.
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Sunday, 7/24 @BFC: Nominating, Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

This Sunday, 7/24, begins with an ad hoc meeting of the Nominating Committee, at 9:15 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids gather, at 10 AM. Meeting for Worship will coalesce at 11 AM, with song, prayer, and stillness... and I'm going to make another try at a message based on part of Isaiah 30 (we'll see where this one goes...). Following worship, the Singing Ensemble will have a brief meeting in the worship room at 12:25 PM, and Friends will gather for fellowship upstairs.Then the Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Committee will meet at 1 PM. Hope to have you with us as we gather!
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