Please join us at Quaker Heritage Day 2016!

Events, Quaker Heritage Day
We are very pleased to say that registration is now open for Quaker Heritage Day 2016! Please join us on Saturday, 4/16/2015, for "Forgotten Friends' Testimonies (?)" with Marlene Pedigo, recorded minister and author, from Westfield Friends Church in Westfield, Indiana. Please see the PDF below for more information about the topic, the speaker, requested donation, and other particulars. We will post a schedule on our website soon, but for now note that the day will start with registration at 9 AM, and the program will begin with worship at 9:30 AM. Note also that the registration deadline to reserve lunch and/or childcare is Friday, 4/8/2015. You can register online to let us know you are coming--it's quick and easy and secure. Please use it today! Watch for updates on…
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This Sunday, 3/6, @BFC: Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, MOCE

Third Month rolls in (lamb-like?), and we have another First First Day: To start, the Trustees meet to attend to the care of our building & grounds at 9 AM. Then our Sunday School classes for children and adults gather at 10 AM. We meet for Worship at 11 AM: song, silence, communal prayer, and a message based on both Mark 10:13-16 and two of our queries--this time, #s 4 & 5, on home, family, youth and the church. Fellowship time and refreshments follow worship, and then the Missionary, Outreach & Christian Education Committee meets at 1 PM. Hope to have you with us as we praise the Lamb together!
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Sunday, 2/28 @BFC: Sunday School, Steve Sims speaking, PECSC and/or a special guest

Here's what's coming down the pike for this Sunday, 2/28 at Berkeley Friends Church: Sunday School classes for children and adults at 10 AM; Worship at 11 AM, with singing, group prayer, waiting worship, and a message from Steve Sims on John 15:1-5, entitled, "Weakness and Strength." Fellowship time following worship; At 1 PM, either: The monthly meeting of the Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Committee, OR: A conversation with a Ugandan human rights attorney working for human rights for all in that country. Our guest will be the executive director of Chapter Four Uganda. In 2014, Chapter Four led the constitutional challenge that struck down the country's Anti-Homosexuality Act, which called for life imprisonment for LGBT people. You can learn more about Chapter Four at As we…
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This weekend, 2/20-21, @BFC: FCNL Priorities, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Monthly Meeting

First off, tomorrow, Saturday 2/20, our Peace, Environment, and Christian Social Concerns Committee will hold a meeting to discern our suggestions on priorities for Friends Committee on Legislation (FCNL).Every two years, FCNL asks Friends meetings and churches across the country to help identify no more than seven priorities for their core lobbying work in the next Congressional session. All BFC members and attenders are invited, as well as Berkeley Friends Meeting and Strawberry Creek Meeting. 1:30 PM in the fellowship hall; childcare will be provided. Then, on Sunday, 2/21, the Singing Ensemble meets for rehearsal at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults will meet at 10 AM. Worship is at 11 AM, with a message based on another of the queries--number 11, on social…
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This weekend, 2/12-14 @BFC: Movie Night, Harvest Day, S&F, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

It's a busy weekend at Berkeley Friends Church! 1) Tomorrow, Friday, 2/12, Friday Night at the Movies returns for 2016, with the documentary Merchants of Doubt. Doors open at 6:30 PM, film at 7 PM, discussion to follow. 2) On Saturday, 2/13, is the bi-monthly Harvest Day food collection for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, from 9:30 AM to 12 noon. If you'd like to help, contact Pantry Director Sara Webber; if you forgot your green bag last week and need to bring it in, come by any time between 10 AM and noon. 3) Then this Sunday, 2/14, the Stewardship & Finance Committee will convene first, at 9 AM. Our regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids follow at 10 AM. Then we'll gather for Meeting for Worship…
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Sunday, 2/7 @BFC: GREEN BAGS, Chain of Prayer, Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, MOCE

This Sunday, 2/7, will be a full day at Berkeley Friends Church! While others in the Bay Area will be worshiping at the temple of professional football, we'll be gathering to give worth to the Creator of all things. First off, don't forget to bring in your green bags for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project collection!Bring them on into worship with you. Second, a reminder that Sunday is our day to take part in the Friends United Meeting Chain of Prayer. This is an opportunity to pray alongside others for the global ministries and people of FUM. If you would like to participate, it's not too late--see Giuseppe Rensi on Sunday to sign up for a shift. And if you would like to have pictures to go along with the…
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Sunday, 1/31 @BFC: Just Sunday School, Worship (Faith Brewer speaking) & Fellowship!

This Sunday, 1/31 is one of those ones that only comes three or so times a year--no committee meetings or other events to crowd the schedule, JUST: Fantastic Sunday School classes for children and adults, at 10 AM; Deep worship, with song, prayer, stillness, and a message from Faith Jansen Brewer, at 11 AM; Joyful fellowship time following worship, lasting for as long as Friends want. Please join us!
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This Sunday, 11/24 @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

Our time together on Sunday 1/24 begins with Sunday School for children and adults at 10 AM. Then there's Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, including a message entitled, "What is Written in the Law?" based on Jesus' dialogue with a clever lawyer in Luke 10:25-37. We'll consider that question alongside others that are known among Friends as "queries"... Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Committee will meet at 1 PM. Please join us!
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This weekend @BFC: Wes Ikeuchi memorial service, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Meeting for Business

First off, a reminder of the memorial service for long-time Food Pantry volunteer Wes Ikeuchi: tomorrow, Saturday, 1/16, 3 to 5 PM in the fellowship hall. Note that this won't be a worship service per se, but more of an informal time to share memories of Wes and encourage one another. Everyone who knew him--or just appreciated his many years of service to the community--is welcome! Then, on Sunday, 1/15, the Singing Ensemble will begin with a rehearsal at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults will meet at 10 AM. Worship is at 11 AM, with our monthly time of extended open worship and some special music--an instrumental prelude and a short Beethoven song as ministry in music! A potluck lunch follows, and then…
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This Sunday, 1/10, @BFC: Stewardship & Finance, Sunday School/Quakerism class, Worship, Singing Ensemble

We're getting back in the normal order of things, now that the decorations are (almost) all put away... This Sunday, 1/10, at Berkeley Friends Church, the Stewardship & Finance Committee will convene first at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for adults & kids gather at 10 AM, as well as the new membership/intro to Quakerism class, which will meet for its first session in Brian's office. (As a reminder, this group is an opportunity to learn more about the faith of Friends. Attending doesn't commit you to our membership process, although we will take time to talk about how it works--but anyone who would just like to know more about Quakerism is welcome to join us!) Then we'll gather for Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, reaching…
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