Sunday, 12/27, @BFC: Sunday School/Caroling, Worship, Called Meeting for Business

In the wake of the time called Christmas, the last Sunday of the year approaches. It is still a season of good tidings of great joy--a time to treasure in our hearts the mystery of God-with-us, Emmanuel. As we gather this Sunday, 12/27, the children will convene for their usual Sunday School class downstairs at 10 AM. Upstairs in the worship room, all are invited to gather at 10:30 AM for carol singing (the kids are welcome to join us, or remain in their class). In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will sing, pray, read together some words reflecting on the life of Jesus, and wait for that Life to be born in our midst. Fellowship time follows worship, and then we will have a brief called Meeting…
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This weekend, 12/19&20 @BFC: Christmas Party, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Monthly Meeting

The season called Advent continues, and as we near "the time called Christmas," the celebrations and the obligations and the hurrying and the worrying increase... may you stay mindful of God with us, Emmanuel, the Good News of great joy for all people, in this and every season! This weekend, our annual celebration of Jesus' coming is scheduled for Saturday evening, 12/19, beginning at 6:30 PM. Please bring a dessert to share if you can. There will be crafts, caroling, candles and community! Family and friends welcome. Then, for the fourth Sunday of Advent, 12/20, we gather beginning at 9 AM, when the Singing Ensemble rehearses. Then Sunday School classes for adults and children convene at 10 AM. In worship at 11 AM, we will hear a message from Luke…
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This weekend, 10/12&13, @ BFC: Harvest Day, S&F, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Here are the goings-on this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church: 1) Tomorrow, Saturday, 12/12, is the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project's bi-monthly Harvest Day, from about 10 AM to 12:30 PM. If you need to bring in your green bag, you can drop it off any time during those hours. Volunteers might still be needed; check with Food Pantry director Sara Webber to find out. And we hate to mention it for fear of crying wolf yet again--but there's a chance that the long-delayed paving project for the Food Pantry entrance just might get done, so keep an eye out on Sunday. 2) Then, on Sunday, 12/13, the Stewardship & Finance Committee meets at 9 AM, and then we have Sunday School classes for children and adults, at 10 AM. Worship…
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Forgot to mention earlier--please bring your Neighborhood Food Project green bags to worship with you tomorrow! If that won't work, you can always bring your bag to the Harvest Day next Saturday, between 10:30 AM and noon.
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This weekend @BFC: Movie Night, CFC, Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, Music Needs meeting

It's a jam-packed weekend at Berkeley Friends Church! First off, tomorrow night, Friday 12/4, is the final Friday Night at the Movies for 2015, presenting the 1936 outlaw film "Three Godfathers" (a Western-themed Christmas film). ADMISSION IS FREE! Refreshments at 6:30 PM, film at 7:00, discussion to follow. For full details, see our website's Movie Night page. Then on Saturday, 12/5, everyone is invited to worship and fellowship with the Christian Friends Conference at their quarterly gathering. There will be waiting worship and Bible reading in the manner of Conservative Friends, fellowship and discussion with Christian Quakers from around the Bay Area, and an afternoon presentation of part of Lewis Benson's watershed 1984 seminar here at BFC. 9 AM - 4:00 PM. Beverages and bagels will be provided in the…
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Tomorrow, 11/29 @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, Fellowship

I hope you each have been reflecting on the things that make you thankful in this season. I thank God for being part of the same Body of which you each are members. Tomorrow, the time our nation has designated for giving thanks gives way to a season the church has traditionally devoted to preparing for Christmas. As we make that transition, let's focus on what ties us together as part of Christ's Body. Our time together tomorrow on the first Sunday of Advent, 11/28, will be (relatively) short and sweet: Sunday School for children and adults at 10 AM; Worship at 11 AM, including a message based on some of the words of the prophet Jeremiah, and fellowship time afterwards. There aren't any committee meetings or other scheduled activities…
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This weekend, 11/21-22 @BFC: Paving project, Half Marathon, Sunday School, Stewardship Sunday, PECSC

One more reminder that the delayed Food Pantry entranceway paving project is due to be completed tomorrow, Saturday, 11/21. The main thing to be aware of is that no one should use the Pantry entrance at all on Sunday, to allow the new surface to cure properly. Then, please don't forget that the annual Berkeley Half Marathon is scheduled for Sunday morning, 11/22, from 7 AM to 12:30 PM. Once again, BFC is inside the race course, and anyone coming from outside the course will have difficulty crossing it in a car. If you usually come in a car or by bus, please walk, bike or take BART if you possibly can. If you have to drive, please see this post for full details on the best routes. Finally, once…
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Berkeley Half Marathon Returns THIS SUNDAY, 11/22

The annual Berkeley Half Marathon is scheduled for this coming Sunday morning, 11/22, from 7 AM to 12:30 PM. Once again, BFC is inside the race course, and anyone coming from outside the course will have difficulty crossing it in a car. If you usually come in a car or by bus, please walk, bike or take BART if you possibly can. If you absolutely have to drive: 1) Avoid I-80 at University Avenue. This exit will be entirely closed. 2) If you're coming from the north: the Solano Avenue tunnel is a good way to get under the runners. Take Solano east from The Alameda and through the tunnel. Continue south on Henry Street to Cedar Street, turn right (west) and take Cedar the rest of the way to…
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This weekend @BFC: Paving project, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Meeting for Business

First off, you may not have heard that the Food Pantry entranceway paving project is not quite done--due to unforeseen circumstances, the contractor will complete the job tomorrow, Saturday, 11/14. The main thing to be aware of is that no one should use the Pantry entrance at all on Sunday, to allow the new surface to cure properly. Second, on Sunday, 11/15, the Singing Ensemble will begin with a rehearsal at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults will meet at 10 AM. Worship is at 11 AM, with our monthly time of extended open worship and some special music. A potluck lunch follows, and then we meet for our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business at 1 PM. Members are expected to participate,…
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Tomorrow @BFC: S&F, SS, MfW, FT, SE!

Quakers love us some acronyms, don't we? Tomorrow, Sunday 11/8, at Berkeley Friends Church: The Stewardship & Finance Committee meets at 9 AM, to begin the budget process for the coming year. Sunday School classes for adults & kids convene at 10 AM. We gather for Meeting for Worship at 11 AM: We'll sing, pray together, hear a final (for now) message on David's Psalms (34 & 124), and quiet ourselves in the Lord's Presence. Fellowship time follows MfW, and then... at 1 PM, the Singing Ensemble will rehearse. BTOBS!
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