Helping the hungry in Berkeley this Thanksgiving

Usually at this point in the year, we would be getting ready to pack Thanksgiving bags for the Food Pantry. However, this year the Pantry has changed the Thanksgiving distribution to make it work better for their guests, so the big bag-packing events won't be needed. However, the Pantry does need additional volunteers on Wednesday and Friday afternoons this month to help with the distribution. To learn more, contact Pantry director Sara Webber. If you can't give your time, you might consider giving some money to either the Food Pantry or the Berkeley Food and Housing Project, an organization that runs homeless shelters and feeding programs in our town--or perhaps you can give to both! To donate, visit or [caption id="attachment_874" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Preparing bags for Thanksgiving, 2008[/caption]
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This Sunday, 11/1 @BFC: STANDARD TIME RESUMES, Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, MOCE

It's another busy First Sunday at Berkeley Friends Church: First, remember to set your clocks back one hour before retiring on Saturday night! That's right, Daylight Saving Time ends and Standard Time resumes at 2 AM on Sunday. Then, at BFC later in the morning, the Trustees will meet for their monthly meeting at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults meet at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will gather for song, prayer, and expectant waiting on the Lord, and hear another message in a series on the Psalms of David, this one on some of the psalms of dis-orientation. After worship we'll gather for a time of fellowship, and then the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee will meet…
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Sunday, 10/25 @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

This Sunday, 10/25, things start with Sunday School classes for children and adults at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will sing, pray and wait in quiet together, and hear a message based on a few of the psalms of orientation of David. Fellowship time follows worship, and then at 1 PM, the Peace, Environment & Christian Social Concerns Committee will meet. Let's worship together in God's Presence!
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Sunday, 10/18 @BFC: Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Meeting for Business

This Sunday, 10/18, the Singing Ensemble starts things off with a rehearsal at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School class for adults will meet at 10 AM (none of the families with children is scheduled to be here--if your plans have changed and kids will be coming, please let me know ASAP!). Worship is at 11 AM, with our monthly time of extended open worship and special music from the Singing Ensemble: "I Will Sing New Songs of Gladness." A potluck lunch follows worship, and then we meet for our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business at 1 PM. Members are expected to participate, and attenders and guests are welcome as well. We hope to have you with us as we gather in the Light of Christ!
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10/10 and 10/11 @BFC: Harvest Day, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Here are this weekend's happenings at Berkeley Friends Church: 1) Tomorrow, Saturday, 10/10 is the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project's bi-monthly Harvest Day, from about 10 AM to noon. If you need to bring in your green bag, you can drop it off any time during those hours. Volunteers aren't needed this time, though--the Food Pantry staff say that they have all the help they need. 2) On Sunday, 10/11, we begin with our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults, at 10 AM. Worship is at 11 AM, with singing, prayer, stillness as we wait on the Lord, and another message on the story of David, "The Sweet Psalmist of Israel," from II Samuel and the Book of Psalms. Fellowship time follows, and then the Singing Ensemble will rehearse…
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World Quaker Day at BFC

Berkeley Friends Church celebrated World Quaker Day 2015 in worship by praying for the worldwide family of the Religious Society of Friends/Friends Church/Quakers--that we would all listen for and attend to the Inward Voice of Christ. Our worship speaker was Charles Blue, the oldest member of our meeting, who spoke on Psalm 23 as a prayer of thanksgiving. We also spent time praising God in song and waiting in expectant silence. After worship, we gathered for a photo on the front steps of the meetinghouse: [caption id="attachment_854" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Friends gathered on World Quaker Day, 4th of Tenth Month, 2015[/caption] Our loving greetings to Friends everywhere!
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Sunday, 10/4 @BFC: Green bags, Trustees, Sunday School, Charles Blue speaking, Picnic!

This Sunday, 10/4, there's a lot going on--first off, don't forget that it's our collection day for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, so please bring your green bags with you, and bring them into worship! Sunday morning, the Trustees will meet for their monthly meeting at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults meet at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will turn to God thankfully in song, prayer, expectant waiting, and hear a message from Charles Blue on The 23rd Psalm. After worship we'll gather outside for a barbecue/picnic! All are welcome. ...and please note that the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee meeting has been rescheduled to next Thursday, 10/8, at 7:30 PM. See you on Sunday!
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Sunday, 9/27 @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

This Sunday, 9/27, is another fourth Sunday at Berkeley Friends Church; that means we'll begin with Sunday School classes for children and adults at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will sing and pray together, hear a message from another part of the story of King David (II Samuel 18), and quiet ourselves in God's Tendering Presence. Fellowship time follows worship, and then at 1 PM, the Peace, Environment & Christian Social Concerns Committee will meet. Please join us!
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Sunday, 9/20 @BFC: Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Meeting for Business

This Sunday, 9/20, things start with the Singing Ensemble, gathering for rehearsal at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults will meet at 10 AM. Worship is at 11 AM, with our monthly time of extended open worship and some special music. A potluck lunch follows worship, and then we meet for our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business at 1 PM. Members are expected to participate, and attenders and guests are welcome as well. We hope to have you with us as we seek the blessing of God's Presence!
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Successful booth at Solano Stroll 2015!

Thanks to everyone who made our booth at the Solano Stroll this past Sunday a success! Around 250 people stopped by to participate in the One Minute for Peace activity, making government spending allocations with pennies among six general categories. I'm not sure which category garnered the most, but social programs, healthcare & income assistance, and preventing war were definitely the top three--and current & past wars was dead last! Lots of folks curious about Friends, or who have connections to Friends in some way, stopped by as well. Here's a photo of the dauntless setup crew, many of whom were also there for all or part of the day. Thanks especially go to Louise Neal for proposing and shepherding through the idea, and Faith Jansen Brewer for taking charge…
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