This Sunday, 9/13 @BFC: Solano Stroll AND Stewardship & Finance, Sunday School, Worship and Singing Ensemble!

It's going to be a busy day at BFC this Sunday, 9/13: First off, don't forget that the Solano Stroll is this Sunday from 10 AM to 6 PM, and we will have a booth there! The location is 1494 Solano Avenue (between Santa Fe and Curtis Streets). We'll be highlighting AFSC's One Minute for Peace Campaign with an interactive display, and lots of other information about our meeting and our ministries. Please stop by at some point, and if you've volunteered to be there but can't remember the details, please contact Louise Neal or Rachel Weiler. Meanwhile, back at the meetinghouse, things start with the Stewardship & Finance Committee meeting at 9 AM. Our regular Sunday School classes for kids & adults are on at 10 AM. We gather…
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This Sunday, 9/6 @BFC: Trustees, Sunday School, Worship (Keith Barton), Picnic!

Ninth Month is here! Here's the schedule for this first Sunday, 9/6: The Trustees will meet for their monthly meeting at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults meet at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will sing, pray, wait on the Lord together, and hear another message from Keith Barton in a series on "Listening for the Historical Jesus". After worship we'll gather outside for a barbecue/picnic! All are welcome. Please note that the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee meeting will be rescheduled to a later date and time. Hope to see you this Sunday!
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Sunday, 8/30 @BFC: Sunday School, Worship and Fellowship! THAT’S IT!!!

This coming Sunday is one of those rare ones when we have no committee meetings, no special events, nothing but the opportunity to be with one another in Christ's presence: Sunday School classes for young and older convene at 10 AM. Then we meet for Worship at 11 AM, singing thankfully to God, lifting up our praises and petitions, waiting in silence, and hearing another message from the story of David the shepherd king (II Samuel 7:1-17). Joyful fellowship follows afterward, for however long Friends choose to stay. And that's it--please join us for unhurried worship of God and fellowship with one another!
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This weekend, 8/21-23 @BFC: Movie Night, Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

Events, Movie Night
It's a full weekend at Berkeley Friends Church: 1) Our bimonthly Friday Night at the Movies returns tomorrow night, Friday, 8/21. This time it's the Saudi Arabian film Wadjda, about an an enterprising Saudi girl who signs on for her school's Koran recitation competition as a way to raise the remaining funds she needs in order to buy the green bicycle she has her heart set on. ADMISSION IS FREE! Refreshments at 6:30 PM, film at 7:00 PM. Discussion follows the screening. 2) Then on Sunday, 8/23, we begin with Sunday School classes for children and adults at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will raise our voices in song and prayer, hear another message in the cycle of King David's story, and quiet ourselves so…
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Sunday, 8/16 @BFC: Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Potluck, Monthly Meeting

Here's the weekly rundown for this coming Sunday, 8/16: The Singing Ensemble will gather for rehearsal at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults will meet at 10 AM. Worship is at 11 AM, with our monthly time of extended open worship. A potluck lunch follows worship, and then we meet for our Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business at 1 PM. Members are expected to participate, and attenders and guests are welcome as well. Please join us as we gather in the Presence!
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8/8 and 8/9 @BFC: Harvest Day, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Here's the rundown for this weekend: 1) On Saturday, 8/8, the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project will have its bi-monthly Harvest Day, from about 10 AM to noon. If you'd like to volunteer, contact Food Pantry Director Sara Webber to see if help is needed (often volunteers are a bit short in the summer months). If you need to bring in your green bag, you can drop it off any time during those hours. 2) On Sunday, 8/9, we begin with our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults, at 10 AM. Worship is at 11 AM, with singing, prayer, stillness as we wait on the Lord, and another message in an intermittent series on the story of David from I & II Samuel. Then there's fellowship time, and then…
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This Sunday @BFC: Trustees, Sunday School, Green Bags, Dorothy Kakimoto speaking, MOCE

Dear Friends: Here comes Eighth Month! Because it's an even-numbered month, that means that the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project's Harvest Day is coming up, on 8/8. But our collection day for our contributions is this Sunday, 8/2, so please bring your green bags with you, and bring them into worship! As to Sunday's schedule: the Trustees will start things off, meeting at 9 AM. Then we'll convene our regular Sunday School classes for kids & adults, at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will join together in song, prayer, and silence, and Dorothy will bring a message based on Galatians chap. 6 and chap. 5. Fellowship time follows worship, and then at 1 PM, the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee will meet. We hope to…
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This weekend @BFC: BNFP Harvest, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Dear Friends: This weekend at Berkeley Friends Church, there's a goodly amount going on: 1) On Saturday, 6/13, the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project will have its bi-monthly Harvest Day, from about 10 AM to noon. If you'd like to volunteer, contact Food Pantry Director Sara Webber to see if help is needed. If you need to bring in your green bag, you can drop it off any time during those hours. 2) On Sunday, 6/14, we begin with our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults, at 10 AM. Worship is at 11 AM, with singing, prayer, stillness as we wait on the Lord, and a message on the anointing of David, from 1 Samuel 15:34 - 16:13. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Singing Ensemble will rehearse…
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Two events this week: East Bay Gives and Way of the Spirit

Dear Friends: We were missing a lot of people today at worship, so I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of these upcoming events: 1) This Tuesday, 5/5, is East Bay Gives Day, sponsored by the East Bay Community Foundation. This 24-hour online giving event is a great way to donate to not-for-profit organizations going fantastic work in the East Bay, including the Berkeley Food Pantry. $150,000 in awards will be given out to participating organizations for the most unique donors in a given hour, or the largest amount raised in an hour, etc. Any time on Tuesday between midnight at 11:59 PM, please log in and donate to help the Food Pantry at (Note: unfortunately, donations must be made via the above website in order to count…
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