This Sunday, 5/3, @BFC: Trustees, Sunday School, Worship, MOCE

Dear Friends: Hot enough for you? :)  This coming Sunday, 5/3 at Berkeley Friends Church begins with the Trustees meeting at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults meet at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will gather in song, prayer, and quiet waiting, accompanied by a message from Charles Blue on the (very brief) book of Philemon: "No longer a slave, but a brother!" Then comes fellowship time, followed by the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee, meeting at 1 PM. Please join us for service, study, worship & fellowship! -- In Christ's Light, Brian Young Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715 Connect with us on Facebook!
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4/25-26 @BFC: YARD SALE, Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

Dear Friends: It's a full weekend at BFC: 1) On Saturday, 4/25, the big Spring Yard Sale to benefit the Food Pantry kicks off at 9 AM and runs 'til 2 PM! There will be books and other media, home furnishings, kitchenware and glassware, small electronics, knick knacks and collectibles, and much more!  Still clearing out your closets and have some things to donate? Tomorrow, Friday 4/24 is your last chance to bring that stuff in. Donations will be accepted from 2 PM – 5 PM tomorrow. See the attached for details on what will and won't be accepted. 2) Then, on Sunday, 4/26, things start with our Sunday School classes for children and adults, at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will join together in…
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This weekend @BFC: Yard Sale Dropoff, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Meeting for Business

Dear Friends: Here are the happenings for this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church: 1) This Saturday, 4/18, the Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Committee will be accepting donations for the upcoming yard sale from 1 PM to 5 PM. Don't forget that saleable items are restricted to: household items (kitchenware, knick knacks etc.); SMALL furniture (end tables, lamps, stools, desk chairs, bookshelves); tools; children's toys; books, DVDs, CDs; hats & scarves; and jewelry. (If you have something for the sale but can't make it Saturday, see the attached flyer for other times this coming week--but remember, no donations will be accepted on the day of the sale, 4/25!) 2) Then, on Sunday, 4/19, the Singing Ensemble are the first folks in the building, rehearsing at 9 AM. Then our…
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This weekend @BFC: Harvest Day, yard sale dropoff, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble

Dear Friends: Here's what's going on this weekend at Berkeley Friends Church: 1) On Saturday, 4/11, the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project will have its bi-monthly Harvest Day, from about 10 AM to noon. If you'd like to volunteer, contact Food Pantry Director Sara Webber to see if help is needed. If you need to bring in your green bag, you can drop it off any time during those hours. Then from 1 PM to 5 PM, the Peace, Environment and Christian Social Concerns Committee will be accepting donations for the yard sale later this month. Don't forget that saleable items are restricted to: household items (kitchenware, knick knacks etc.); SMALL furniture (end tables, lamps, stools, desk chairs, bookshelves); tools; children's toys; books, DVDs, CDs; hats & scarves; and jewelry. 2)…
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This Sunday @BFC: Sunday School, Worship, PECSC

Dear Friends: This Sunday, 3/22, we will begin with our Sunday School classes for children and adults, at 10 AM. In Meeting for Worship at 11 AM, we will join together in song, prayer, and silence, accompanied by a message from John 12:20-33. Fellowship time follows worship, and then at 1 PM, the Peace, Environment & Christian Social Concerns Committee will meet. Please gather with us as we seek to be still together in God's presence! -- In Christ's Light, Brian Young Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715 Connect with us on Facebook!
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This Sunday @BFC:

Dear Friends: Things are a bit less busy around here since the dust has settled following Quaker Heritage Day... here's the rundown for this Sunday: This Sunday, 3/1, the Trustees Committee bats first, convening at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday School classes for children and adults meet at 10 AM. In meeting for worship at 11 AM, we will gather in song, prayer, and quiet waiting, accompanied by a message from guest speaker Liz Sims entitled, "God's Extravagant Gift," based in part on Matthew 25:14-30. Fellowship time follows worship, and then the Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education Committee meets at 1 PM. We hope you will join us for service, study, worship & fellowship! -- In Christ's Light, Brian Young Pastor, Berkeley Friends Church O: 510-524-4112 C: 510-355-6715 Connect with…
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This weekend @BFC: WARSF, QHD, Steve Angell speaking at Sunday School & Worship, PECSC!

Dear Friends: One of the most full weekends of the year is upon us! Here are some reminders: 1) We are hosting the annual meetings of the Western Association of the Religious Society of Friends (WARSF), the larger association of which we are a part. Tomorrow night, Friday, 2/20, the Board of Oversight will gather beginning at 6:30 PM for dinner followed by a meeting. Representatives from BFC and Whittier First Friends Church are expected. Then, the Meeting of Members will convene on Saturday, 2/21, at approximately 3:45 PM, following the close of Quaker Heritage Day. Among other things, at the Meeting of Members, we will hear updates from Friends organizations that WARSF connects us to, including Friends United Meeting (FUM), the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Friends Committee…
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Schedule & book list for Quaker Heritage Day 2015

Events, Quaker Heritage Day
We're looking forward to having Steve Angell with us this Saturday and Sunday for QHD 2015! Here is the Saturday schedule (subject to change), book list, and other information. The book list is also available on WorldCat, which will allow you to see which libraries hold these titles. Hope you can join us for the program on Saturday, worship on Sunday, or both!
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This weekend @BFC: Work Day/Harvest Day, Singing Ensemble, Sunday School, Worship, Monthly Meeting!

Dear Friends: It's a busy weekend at Berkeley Friends Church, as we ready ourselves for Quaker Heritage Day in just about a week... here's what's going on: 1) On Saturday, 2/14, we will have an indoor work day to get the meetinghouse ready for Quaker Heritage Day. Please come whenever you can between 10 AM and 3 PM; wear work clothes, and bring a brown bag lunch if you're going to be here all day. Note also: please try and park on the street rather than in the parking lot in the morning because of the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project Harvest Day, which will run from about 10 AM to noon. 2) On Sunday, 2/15, the Singing Ensemble will start things off, rehearsing at 9 AM. Then our regular Sunday…
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This Sunday @BFC: GREEN BAGS, Sunday School, Worship, Singing Ensemble!

Dear Friends: First off, don't forget that this Sunday, 2/8, is Berkeley Friends Church's collection day for our contributions to the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project, so please bring your green bags with you to bring them into worship! ...and our Sunday schedule begins with Sunday School classes for kids & adults, at 10 AM. The adults have just begun a new study--a book called Conversation with Christ, which is a very engaging study of the Gospel of John written by former BFC pastor Doug Gwyn. Come and check it out! Then we gather for worship at 11 AM, with song, prayer, stillness, and a prepared message focusing on another aspect of the Kingdom of God. Fellowship time follows, and then the Singing Ensemble rehearses at 1 PM. Please join us…
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