TONIGHT and this weekend @BFC: committees meet, CFC, worship, business meeting!
Dear Friends: There's a lot going on in the next few days at Berkeley Friends Church and elsewhere. Here are some reminders: 1) This evening, 6/13, two of our committees will meet here at BFC: Missionary, Outreach and Christian Education will gather at 5:30 PM (there will be pizza), and Ministry and Counsel at 7:30 PM, or earlier if everyone has arrived. Please don't forget to join us if you're on one of these committees! 2) On Saturday, 6/15, we will host the quarterly meeting of the Christian Friends Conference--Western Region (CFC). You are invited to take part in waiting worship and Bible reading in the manner of Conservative Friends, and to share fellowship and an open discussion with Christian Quakers from around the Bay Area and beyond. 9 AM…