This weekend at BFC: Harvest Day, Knit & Crochet, worship, Singing

1) This Saturday, 4/13, is the bimonthly Harvest Day for the Berkeley Neighborhood Food Project. All of the donations from the various neighborhoods will be coming in to the Food Pantry that morning. Volunteers have signed up to receive, weigh, sort and store the donations, but if you would like to help, another pair of hands could be put to good use. The collection officially starts at 10 AM and everything will wrap up around 12:30 PM. Also, if you're participating in BFC's "neighborhood" and didn't bring in your bag last Sunday, you're welcome to bring yours by any time between 10 and noon. 2) Also on Saturday, the Knit & Crochet Fellowship will gather in the fellowship hall at 11 AM. Come share your latest project, and get inspired…
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QHD book list

Quaker Heritage Day
Here and below is a list of books that our speaker Richard Bailey recommends for preparation for QHD 2013, or for further thought afterwards. Regrettably, most of them are now out-of-print or otherwise difficult to obtain. We hope to have copies of most of these available for examination at the book table on QHD, although we may not have any for sale. You can also view this list on WorldCat and find out which libraries hold these titles. (more…)
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One month to QHD 2013!

Quaker Heritage Day
Quaker Heritage Day 2013 is exactly one month away! Please join us on Saturday, 2/9 for Quaker Christology, Past and Present: Social and Theological Perspectives with Richard Bailey, PhD, of Queens University, Ontario. This promises to be a stimulating examination of Quaker origins and the Quaker understanding of Christ, from the perspective both of early Friends and contemporary scholarship. Registration: please note that the  deadline to reserve lunch and/or childcare is Friday, 2/1/2013. You can register online right now to let us know you are coming--it's super-quick and easy. Schedule for the Day: 9:00 Sign in, enjoy the breakfast buffet, and browse the book table 9:30 Session One: Explore and challenge the view of Rufus Jones that English Quakers were directly connected to spiritualist/mystical movements on the Continent (such as…
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Quaker Heritage Day 2013

Quaker Heritage Day
Saturday, February 9, 2013 Richard Bailey, PhD, guest speaker Quaker Christology, Past and Present Join us for a stimulating examination of Quaker origins and the Quaker understanding of Christ (i.e., Quaker Christology) from the perspective of early Friends and some of the most dedicated scholars in the field today. On-line registration is now open!
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QHD is two days away!

Quaker Heritage Day
Quaker Heritage Day 2012 is this Saturday! In case you have some time to do a little reading in preparation, here are a few resources Brent recommends: Bill, Brent J. 2010. “A Modest Proposal: For the revitalization of the Quaker message in the United States.” Self-published. Gorman, George H. 1973. The amazing fact of Quaker worship. London: Friends Home Service Committee. Punshon, John. 2006. Encounter with silence: reflections from the Quaker tradition. Richmond, Ind: Friends United Press. And here's a link to the schedule for the day. Hope to see you on Saturday!
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QHD 2012 approacheth!

Quaker Heritage Day
Quaker Heritage Day 2012 is just about a month away! Please join us on Saturday, 3/10/2012 for A Modest Proposal: Participating in God’s Future for Friends, a day of spiritual reflection facilitated by J. Brent Bill. Brent writes: Join us for a day of spiritual reflection and exploring God’s future for Friends. It will be a day focused on positive language, idea generation, learning, sharing, videos, and more, using interactive techniques and tools. You’ll come away from this day with a fresh sense of God’s working with and among us. Most of the information you need can be found in the following places: The flier with full information about Brent, schedule for the day, etc. Our brand-spanking new online registration form! Use it today to let us know you're coming!…
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Materials for QHD 2011

Quaker Heritage Day
Here are two things that we'll be handing out at the sessions tomorrow--a handout with quotes & queries to get the discussion started: QHD2011SessionHandouts And a reading list of books Wess recommends: QHD2011FullBibliography Hope to see many of you tomorrow!
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QHD 2011 is just two weeks away!

Quaker Heritage Day
Earlier this week Wess Daniels posted some preparatory materials for QHD on his blog. We're putting this material in our bulletin this Sunday so folks can start thinking about it. I'd welcome feedback, so please take a look and post your comments here, or on Wess's blog, or somewhere else and let us know. One question that a number of us here at BFC have discussed as we've been  getting ready for this event is what Wess means by "the new creation." Are we talking about new creation in Christ, ala II Corinthians 5:17? Or the new heavens and earth of Revelation 21-22? Or something else? A couple of weeks ago, Wess posted a message on heralds of peace, where he said a little bit about the new creation, including…
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Announcing QHD 2011!

Quaker Heritage Day
Our speaker has already posted about this on his blog, but we've finally got the flyer ready, so here's our announcement of Quaker Heritage Day 2011! The date: Saturday, 2/12/2011 The speaker: Wess Daniels, released minister at Camas Friends Church, Camas, WA Topic: Heralding The New Creation: Mission as Participation in the Quaker Tradition The registration form is here (sorry, it's still snail mail or phone--someday we'll have web registration). Wess has an outline of the sessions and his Sunday message here.
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