Please join us for Quaker Heritage Day 2015!
Dear Friends: We are very pleased to announce Quaker Heritage Day 2015! Please join us on Saturday, 2/21/2015 for ”My faith, in spite of everything, keeps straining up to God": Reading Helen Morgan Brooks and Howard Thurman after Ferguson” with speaker Stephen W. Angell, Professor of Quaker Studies at the Earlham School of Religion. Please see the attached flier for more information about the topic, the speaker, requested donation, and other particulars. Please note that the day will start with registration at 9 AM, and the program will begin at 9:30 AM. Note also that the registration deadline to reserve lunch and/or childcare is Sunday, 2/15/2015. You can register online to let us know you are coming--it's super-quick and easy. Please use it today! We will post updates on Facebook…