This Sunday September 27, 2020

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School

SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin

TUE 7:30 PM– Bible Study

“They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill, what never dies. Nor can Spirits ever be divided that love and live in the same Divine Principle; the Root and Record of their Friendship.” – William Penn, Some Fruits of Solitude

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Bible Study starts 7:30 PM on Tuesdays via Zoom. Bible Study is currently reading  Jesus, Christ and Servant of God: Meditations on the Gospel According to John by David Johnson. You do not need to have read or have a copy of the book available as we read a section and then discuss.

All Ages and Stages Worship will be Saturday September 26 at 4:00 PM. Join us for an engaging, interactive worship in which we do some activities, pray, read the Bible, and have waiting worship. Designed for kids, families and those who just need to be moving.

“Peace and the Nature of War” is the theme for this year’s Westheimer Peace Symposium hosted by Wilmington College on Oct 1 & 2. Registration is only required for workshops. All other lectures and Response Project performances may be accessed freely online.

World Quaker Day is Sunday October 4. Celebrate this year by worshiping with Whittier First Friends and West Richmond Friends Church at 11:00 AM. Getry Agizah, Peace Team staffer from the FUM Africa office, will be preaching.

Happy Hour – Come hang out with folks from Berkeley Friends Church from 8:00 to 9:00 PM, Friday October 9. We have no agenda. Just a time to chat, connect and enjoy each other’s company. Check for log in details on listserv announcements.

Thursday October 22 at 8:00 PM join us for Cloud of Witnesses and share about someone who has impacted your faith journey. It can be someone you know personally or not. Living or dead. If you have a picture of the person, bring it to share with everyone.

Census 2020: Don’t forget to respond to your notice either online, by phone or by paper form after April 8th. The census will only ask 9 questions and by law cannot be shared with anyone including ICE, the police, or other government agencies. An undercount will have a huge effect on our area. For example, if we have an undercount of 6% in Alameda County, the county will lose $1 billion over 10 years. For more information see the Census website.