This Sunday February 21, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School

SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin

SUN 1:15 PM– Monthly Meeting for Business

TUE 7:30 PM– Bible Study

We are gathered to worship our God. Send your Spirit upon us. We come from many places, with many burdens. Send you Spirit upon us. We turn our hearts to you, O God. Send your Spirit upon us, and make us your beloved family.

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Bible Study starts 7:30 PM on Tuesdays via Zoom. Bible Study is currently reading  Jesus, Christ and Servant of God: Meditations on the Gospel According to John by David Johnson. You do not need to have read or have a copy of the book available as we read a section and then discuss.The

PECSC Committee will meet on Zoom at 1pm on Sunday, February 28, 2021. Zoom information is in the bulletin.

FUM Webinar on Planned Giving- Join FUM Director of North American Ministries Colin Saxton and other Friends for a time of insight, inspiration, and practical sharing as we consider how to faithfully steward the resources God has entrusted to our care and use. Thursday, February 25, 3:00–4:30 p.m. (Eastern). Please register by February 22 More information can be found here:
Intergenerational Worship on Sunday March 14 at 11:00. Join us for a special time designed for everyone to engage and worship together. We will have singing, activities and a shortened sermon and time of waiting worship.

Section of the Americas Section Meetings– The Section Meeting is the biggest conference organized by the Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas. It is held every two years. All Friends are welcome to attend! Normally we meet in person, but this year that is not possible, so we will recreate as much of the experience as we can online. The schedule includes opportunities for worship, workshops, business sessions, and small group activities. It is a great opportunity to get to know and connect with more Friends from North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean and to learn more about the Friends World Committee! Click here for more information.

Maundy Thursday Service on April 1 at 8:00 PM. Between the highs of Palm Sunday and Easter, we will focus together on the dark, despairing parts of the story of Jesus. Together we will sing, hear the accounts of the night Jesus was betrayed and crucified and spend time in open worship.