This Sunday September 26, 2021

SUN 10:00 AM– Adult Sunday School

SUN 11:00 AM– Meeting for Worship; download bulletin

Are any among us suffering? Come and pray. Are any among us cheerful? Come sing songs of praise. Are any among us sick? Come and ask for healing. Our help is in our God, the One who made heaven and earth. Call upon God, creator and rescuer. God is on our side.

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Bible Study: Bible Study will also be canceled on September 28. On October 5, it will pick up again discussing the book “A Quaker Prayer Life” by David Johnson. Meeting on Zoom, the group will collectively read a small section and then talk about it. No need to read ahead of time or buy the book. If you’d like your own copy it can be bought at Inner Light Books, among other retailers.

Quaker Peace Advocacy- September 29 3:30 – 4:30 PM Twenty years after the shock and grief of Sept. 11, 2001, its legacy lives on in U.S. policies of perpetual warfare. U.S. presidents continue to use the military force authorizations passed to enable war in Afghanistan and Iraq to justify military action across the globe. This summer, the sustained efforts of FCNL’s lobbyists in Washington and our Advocacy Teams around the country helped Congress move closer than ever to repeal of the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force (2002 Iraq AUMF). In this event, we’ll talk with advocates Pamela Minden and Luke Mayhew who have been part of this persistent, faithful grassroots movement for peace. Click here for more information.

Way of the Spirit is offering several online opportunites for spiritual growth this fall. What helps you sort Holy guidance, your unique giftedness, and the clamor of urgent needs around us? How do you discern small ordinary actions and larger commitments? The Quaker-based Way of the Spirit program invites prayer and learning for living Spirit-led every day. Apply now for online offerings:

Oct 2, 10-11am Pacific Time, Information Session, free. Please RSVP here:

Oct 13, Nov 10, etc, Monthly Reflection Group, second Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30. Supportive, gently-guided small group processes to nurture awareness of the presence and guidance of the Spirit in your everyday life, 6-12 month commitment.

Nov 6 & 20, Dec 4 – Tending Your Spiritual Giftedness:
What is “yours” to do in our fractured and hurting world? It’s more important than ever to discern how your unique spiritual giftedness meets the aching needs around us. Additional mini-courses in 2022 will explore obstacles to giftedness, creating a cultures of giftedness, and passing it on to children and youth.

Sunday October 3 is World Quaker Day! For this Friends World Committee on Consultation event, the theme this year Resilience and Hope: drawing strength from our Quaker faith. That Sunday John Burdick will be preaching and we will have a special focus on Quakerism.

We are looking for Kids’ Sunday School teachers for our return to in person worship. We will need a teacher for the elementary age group and the middle school and up group. You can commit to teaching one Sunday a month, for a quarter or indefinitely! We will be using the Shine materials that provide lessons, activities and crafts for the teachers to present. If interested or if you have questions, let Faith Kelley know.

Saturday October 16, 10:00-11:30am- BFC Park Get Together at Strawberry Creek Park in picnic area, 1260 Allston Way
between Bancroft Way and Addison St at West St. Enjoy each other in person, the creek and playground. Bring some brunch to munch on.

The Renovare Book Club has selected the Journal of John Woolman as one of their books for this next session starting October 4. Former Quaker Heritage Day speaker Jon Kershner will be facilitating the discussion of that book. Discussion are online live and through chat. Membership costs $40 without the books. Find more information here.
Life Transformation Groups – We will be starting new groups in October! The 2-4 person groups are an opportunity to support each other in spiritual development and prayer. The once a week, hour long meeting has prayer, answering confession queries and discussing the week’s Bible reading. If you are interested in joining, talk to Faith or Micah.
Quaker Parent Support Groups, sponsored by New York Yearly Meeting, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Friends United Meeting, are starting again. They will run mid-November through mid-April with parents across the country meeting over Zoom to talk about what it is like to parent kids in our faith. To participate, you must register by October 31 here.